Memory Lane of Blogs


"I myself prefer my New Zealand eggs for breakfast."

random people send a invitation to buckingham palace asking if the Queen wanted to attend their wedding, they got back a polite decline in response.
the Queen AND Prince Phillip showed up
not to mention she did it on her hour lunch break of freedom while spending her day visiting Schools, Hospitals etc.
What a gal! i love her.

p.s the title of this blog. yes! a quote of the Queens! hah gosh she's cute! the writing is in yellow because that is the Queens favorite color. :)


struggle + overcoming it = inspiring amazing people

My bunny’s name is Raisin
                                                              Cause that is like his poo;
And if you pooed like raisins
I’d call you that too.
-spent the other day sitting listening and laughing to Robert Munsch reading his stories on his website. thought I'd post it and draw your attention to his site incase maybe it will bring you happiness as well!
I also discovered he's a fairly interesting/inspiring guy!
He is Bipolar, Obsessive Compulsive , and has been in a constant fight with alcoholism and depression..  and in 2010 he admitted to having a cocaine addiction.. he also had a learning disability and kept flunking in school even in elementary school!In 2008 Sir Munsch had a stroke and it left him unable to speak/he couldn't come up with new stories(can you imagine? thats his whole life! since a child he depended on his story telling/writing funny poems)

I think we can all agree... our lives would be less happy if we never had a little Robert Munsch. I think its quite likely he will remain a classic even when the dinosaurs roam the earth again. He gets a high grade in my book! which means... a blog entry!


oggaoggarumbarumba grunt

This was in the newspaper a few weeks ago.. I had a grand chuckle.. read it again and continued to chuckle. I chuckled SO MUCH "How much did you chuckle?!!" I chuckled SO MUCH that I galloped off to grab my camera to take a photo of it to forever chuckle at looking at my photograph of the newspaper.. but really.. Anything about Mammoths is gnarly!

So I searched up on this famous internet about Mammoths.. because I've been hearing about the Cloning of Mammoths.. and this is what I have come to the conclusion of: 

South Korea's Scientist Hwang Woo-suk says that he can CLONE a mammoth! they are rumoured to have found remains of a mammoth in Russia left over from the permafrost from over 4,500 years ago! They will take this DNA from this found dead mammoth from well preserved tissue with undamaged genes from skin, blood, organs.. and of course bones.. "Their plan is to replace the nuclei of an elephant cell with one from a mammoth to produce an embryo with mammoth DNA." 22 months and that poor surrogate elephant won't know what hit it! and why on earth her elephant baby is such a hairy little thing.. 

hmm... Interesting.. I'm not sure if I'm pro this or not... I mean.. I love Mammoths and they are one of my favourite animals.. but.. should they be left be? is it fair? is it fair for the surrogate elephants?
ponder ponder ponder


I could post so many of these... because I enjoy so many of these.. BUT.. I'll.. only post these.. (for now) hope your smile dances to these beautiful sounds like mine does. <3 


Note: The banana plant is not a tree. It is actually the world's largest herb!

I personally like them.. they are high in protein.. fibre.. a perfect grab and go breakfast..  my banana loaf/banana cranberry loaf is becoming very high in demand..

this website here-> tells you some of the amazing medical benefits from Bananas!! such as helping with anaemia, mosquito bites, heart burn, (I personally have excitement over finding out what foods give you health benefits! it amazes me.. and gets me really excited about the things that I eat!)

it has sugar in it? who cares! all fruits have natural sugars in it.. NATURAL SUGARS!!

I find this new 'research' that I've been hearing on the radio and seeing on the news and reading about in the paper... HOOOEY! about a banana not being that good for you. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!?! I say.. stick to mother nature.. she knows best! 

Facts that I have found randomly just now about bananas that I found interesting and wish to share with you dear dedicated likely adorable readers!
they made me go "huh." not "huh??" but "huh."
  • The average American consumes 28 pounds of bananas per year.
  • About 50 percent of people who are allergic to latex are often also allergic to bananas.
  • Scientists are trying to develop a hybrid, disease-resistant banana.
  • The song "Yes, We Have No Bananas" was released in 1923 and became a huge hit. It refers to the banana shortage at the time. (this one I put up for you Mother.. because you used to/do still? sing this all the time)
  • In 2001, Britain recorded 300 incidents of injuries related to bananas. The majority of these involved people slipping on banana peels.
  • According to a physiological psychology professor at Community College of New York, the expression “going bananas” derives from bananas’ effects on the brain
  • Just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. (thats a whole hot yoga class!)
  • Having your dog eat too much bananas can cause diarrhea


sucking face PDA

One of the excitements of being at a hockey game is the things that they have on the tv screens.. such as obese people pigging out on burgers... kids dancing to the good ol' hockey game.. the mascot.. trivia.. info on the players... 'funniest home videos' of people getting injured in ridiculous ways

BUT my favourite of ALL even though it is EVER SO HARD to choose...
is the when they do the KISS CAM!
no.. not because I hope to get picked and have the camera on me for the whole world to see me sucking face with the person beside me.
BUT because they pick the cutest people of all time for those things! (new goal if animal rehabilitation centres don't work out for me.. is to be a camera person) everyone is just innocently watching the game.. one person looks up and gets surprised and excited to be on the screen.. then brings it to the other person who gets surprised and excited.. and then they share some big loving smooch! (stick person re-inactment above) its so wonderful to have people cheering each other on, people going on date nights... just loving one another and having a good time!!

in fact.. it makes me SO happy.. that I cry. thats right, I cry happy tears... I cry tears of THRILL and utter happiness for others.. at hockey games

its like... watching a adorably cheesy romantic comedy.. IN REAL LIFE.
I smiled this whole blog type up. I also smiled the whole time I drew the stick people..
I can't help it.. as expressed before (and likely many more times through my blogging life..) I LOVE love.


'Aristocats Cats' is a lie... not even a cat wants to be a cat!

I don't know.. if I should admit to how many times I had watched this.. I'm waiting for a time that I do not react with laughter.. but I'm starting to think it is not possible!!!!
bahah I'm not even watching it right now yet I am laughing/chuckling/grinning/smerking/snorting/wheezing 
at the thought of it!

but... whats the occasion?

Boyfriend took me to the hockey game.. (SECOND time IN A WEEK! last time he brought my dad as well. BEST BOYFRIEND EVERRRRRR) 
boyfriend bought me a toque 'just because' :)

I decided to have this blog as my 'things I love' IS.... (drum roll please)...
giving someone gifts NOT FOR HOLIDAY but because you see something that you know that person will like.. and just get it for them.
its meaningful, its heartwarming,  its.... all lovely feelings!
its fantastic
I find gifts on holidays.... birthday, christmas, valentines day... are all pressure gifts. which clearly aren't spur of the moment 'thinking of you' type gifts, they are "December 25th is coming up oh crap what should I get you? oh look a necklace... girls like necklaces..."
I love to know that I'm thought about randomly.. I love knowing that people want to make me feel special..  and I love doing the same in return to make them feel special and thought about!
I try to do this whenever I find it possible. I enjoy giving people things that I can feel them getting joy from receiving it. It has so much more love in it. bringing someone a coffee.. buying someone a t-shirt that is 'so them', making someone cookies, 

loving love with love <3 


even petting a dog is ment to help heal depression....

"Lily, a blind great danesince birth, is led by her best friend and guide dog, Madison. How does one describe the selfless devotion of our animals? "
Selfless Devotion<- I think that pretty much says it all

I am going to try to imprint this photo in my brain and be that 'Madison' for my 'Lily'. Animals can teach us so much.. I think they are more knowledgeable then humans.. I think they have more understanding of feelings, love, generosity.. etc.. I don't understand how people can eat animals.. when really they are more basic and knowledgeable about the important things in life then we do..

we have so much to learn from animals..
how on earth do you people use them? how on earth can you eat them? when they have hearts just like us.. maybe even bigger... its beyond me
photo taken from cousin Jennifer's facebook wall.. which was taken from 'Dog Bless you' (heh what a cute name.. I didn't realise it till i rewrote that haha so precious..)



"In California, a tiger gave birth to 3 baby tigers. Due to difficult pregnancy, babies were born prematurely and due to their small size, they died shortly afterthe birth.
After recovering, the mother tiger suddenly started to lose health,although physically she was fine. Veterinarians believed that the loss of her litter has caused depression. So they decided to put babies from another tiger, perhaps, her condition would improve.
Unfortunately it turned out that it is impossible to obtain tiger babies of the right age for a grieving mother.
But the solution was found, it is on the photo!"


no palm oil in my palm

If you haven't gathered this already.. I love primates.. and one of my first primate loves would be the gentle loving orangutang!! but.. due to many stupid reasons they are getting killed 
one of my small saving the world things that I personally do.. is I check the labels on the food I buy and choose not to purchase things with PALM OIL in it. Its bad.. its awful.. and really I'm not sacrificing endless food chow down opportunities by not supporting the companies that choose to put it in their grub. BESIDES its come to my observing its always the cheapo junky stuff thats not good for you anyways.

so please join me on saving some endangered animals and if you see 'palm oil' on the ingredient list. put it down and pick something else up! nooooot that hard of a activity.. unless you are a big Nutella fan..

YOU CAN ALSO/OR sign this petition!
(this is a copy pasted version of what the website says incase you are tooooooooo lazy of a person to click it and then read it - no offence)
  • Target: Harry Jenkins, Australia's Speaker of the House
  • Sponsored by:

A new Australian bill would require labeling of all foods that contain palm oil. The hope is that by informing consumers of palm oil's presence in a product, they would choose something more environmentally sustainable and motivate palm oil producers to use more sustainable practices.

Palm oil -- often falling under the innocent label of "vegetable oil" -- is the cheapest cooking oil in the world. But its monetary appeal comes at a big price: palm oil plantations are replacing rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia, devastating the habitat of orangutans, tigers and other endangered species, as well as indigenous people.

Palm oil is found in many everyday foods, like margarine, bread and candy bars. It's 50% saturated fat, and Australians unknowingly consume 10 kilograms of it every year.

To curb destruction of the environment and our personal health, tell the Australian House of Representatives to support mandatory labeling of palm oil.

photos are from one of the most thrilling times of my life at the San Diego Zoo!! my heart gained 80 pounds of love that day

this makes me happy.. that is all

Albino Moose exploring Peace River!! (photo unfortunately not taken by me) 


Spice Girls

Monday night... what we have all been waiting for... WHO is going to be chosen at the end of the Bachelor! My mother has a friend who has family who all loves watching The Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelor Pad..  am I missing any? and at the very end show they gather around together to yell at the tv and give there opinions in unison. fun yeah? So this time I tagged along..  everyone knew each other I didn't know anyone... but felt very welcome! ages ranged from 20-60.

Positives: seeing how nice it would be to have sisters to hang around and watch trashy tv with. Bonding over food (which included chocolate covered strawberries, cookie doe dip which you dipped animal crackers into.. hummus etc.) ALSO a positive positive would be there was this AMAZING looking/smelling chili that I was all "awwhh shucks" about because I do not eat meat.. and the host went out of her way (much to my bashfulness "no no thats okay..") and scooped up a giant chunk of the top of the chili so I could enjoy it too!!! awwhhh!, cute dog, drinks, friendliness, laughs, time with my mama, and some of her 'peeps'

Negatives: how mean women are with criticizing other women.. its kind of hurtful even when it is not directed at me. I seem to have one of those personality times that I can put myself in another person's shoes quite easily and imagine how it is that they feel.. so listening to people talk about how funny someones voice and how they walk.. well.. I find it sad. NOT saying I haven't done it.. but after analysing this experience quietly and sticking up for the girl being picked on.. I realise I'm going to have to be aware of my own actions and what I say about people... 
I mean yes.. I am human and I allow myself to be grumpy about some xgirlfriends... (usually though just because they are just so gosh darn pretty!) But maybe.. I should.. try harder not too..taking advice from my own blog.. its easier to hug then to make fists and grumble all the time..
More positives: I haven't seen one of the ladies since I was a wee little one.. but I did name a butterfly after her when I was in kindergarten.. so I must have thought she was pretty rad at the time!  so that was nice to see who this woman in my memories actually is. (and she's cute as a button! so I am pleased that I named a butterfly after her and think I had made a very wise choice) 
Also cute: the person hosting this party gave everyone a rose when we left so we could also feel 'validated'. Super sweet.. again! one of those small gifts that just makes people smile.

Title of blog... I think makes sense.. but if not.. the Spice Girls made a big deal about 'Girl Power' and sticking together etc. 


maybe he even has some dinosaur in him

As you can see from the corner of my page.. I have two dogs.. (I'm sure I'll end up talking about them plenty) But one of my dogs Edgar.. is just over a year old now.. and he can be.. A MONSTER!!
now I say that in the nicest way possible.. Eddie is a very loving puppy who likes to cuddle, bum wiggle, make friends, eat, smile...

BUT he also enjoys taring things apart! (under exaggeration)  Ed is the first puppy that has been in my life... I've had dogs in my life but never got the privilege (I wonder if  that the right choice of word..) of owning a puppy.And to make having a puppy even more exciting.. he's a 'big' puppy thats a bit husky.. a bit lab... and a whole lot of a monstrous wolf. You know those really small yippy dogs that think they are really big? I think he's a big dog that thinks he's a wee little one. He likes ripping things apart.. but I don't know if I can really blame him.. it looks like fun ripping things to shreds!

Anyways my point is.. hardly anything survives more than 15 seconds once he discovers it! (goooooodbye: mittens, shoes, couch pillows, tables, chairs, stuft animals, receipts, breakfast, socks, bras, laundry baskets, blankets, firewood, remote control.. ) sooooo... thank goodness for those rare 'built for strong dog' toys the ones that are ACTUALLY built for strong dog toys (I have ran home very excited about new 'super tough' toys only to see it gone within my next glance.) so once I find a winner.. I am incredibly excited!!

I saw a woman looking at all these 'tough' toys at the pet store, I people watched for a little bit and galloped on over to her and said all infomercial like "you got a dog that rips things apart?" -she looks at me confused as to why I am talking to her-  then I start raving about what I've found that actually works, her face changed from confused and standoffish to very pleased and excited.. STRANGERS CAN BE NICE!! and I think us dog people that spend lots of money on our pets should stick together and help each other out!!
the same as holding the door open for someone really...

Helping hands = win.
take one pass it on. <3 


"and he's pretty tickled pink about it"

(photo obviously not taken by me)
Congratulations Sven Baertschi! -> a adorable guy playing for the Calgary Flames who just got his first NHL goal!! (and on his second NHL hockey game too!! AND he is 19 years old!! wooooowza!) he got the rebound, marched himself right in front.. "was solid understands the game, quick, poised"
I look forward to watching and listening to everyone celebrate him.  I love when people get together to talk about positive exciting things going on in the City, Pride is beautiful.
I also am going to the game in two days.. maybe I'll make him a sign... (though my heart belongs to Olli Jokinen and he got the winning goal today... )
ooooooooohhhh decisions decisions..   


will work for wine

cheers to appreciation and generosity! thats what my dear work friend Joyce did! I worked for her a week ago.. a morning shift.. but if I wasn't working I would have been sleeping so meh why not help out right? 

but a few days later she called into work to see if I was working... and came over to give me a bottle of wine thanking me for taking her shift!! totally unexpected! I know that she is a kind and beautiful person.. but its a lovely reminder to GIVE people reminders that you appreciate things that you do for them!! I'm making a mental note to do something like this the next time someone helps me out! and..

I most defiantly will cover a shift for her whenever I can!

not to mention this wine is ecofriendly!! BONUS!!

love out beats mean words


beautiful Rosa

The RCMP had been URGING everyone to stay off the roads. Bad weather = bad roads. It was pretty much a random storm that happened out of no where. 

BUT we had a funeral to go to. and it was time to celebrate a person who's heart was so large she could hug the whole world if she could. (well.. thats at least the impression I gathered she was like. A Italian.. whats not to love about Italians?) 

I might have not known her.. but I've heard plenty of stories (and hopefully plenty more) and I think she has made a forever imprint on my heart and mind on a reminder of how it is I would like to treat people. Especially when I have company at my home. This lady was my boyfriend's 103 year old great grandmother.. 

a woman who treated everyone in her life like they were her favourite. Rosa Angela. 

I heard from Nono (Rosa's Son, Aryk's grandpa) that she would make EVERYONE in the family a banana loaf of their own. (we are taking a large family here.. I'd say for sure 10 people that Nono would have to bring loafs back for if he had made the trip down by himself.) one time her and her husband made 120 crab apple pies from the tree in their yard! you would never leave her house without your belly full of food and even more food to last you about a week.  At the youthful age of 90 her and her husband would go to the Old Folks home TO TAKE CARE OF THE OLD PEOPLE (how cute is that). To me it sounds like she treated everyone with love, no matter the mistakes, no matter who you are.. she'd always be willing to help you. 

I'm so very grateful to have gotten the chance to go hear about this incredible person, even with the roads being black ice most of the drive (which was 6 or so hours just getting there) and many many cars/trucks/vans/semi's in the ditch. I feel lucky in the way that I got such a powerful reminder of how wonderful it is to give out love to people in your life, how much people appreciate small homemade goodies, how much people appreciate a kind soul.

(I'm also very pleased with the fact that Aryk's Dad's side of the family is so sweet and welcoming with open arms, and amusing stories. You never know when you meet someones family what they will be like!  But I am now very joyous of having a loud bunch of Italians in my life. Not to mention I feel pretty special being the only girl in Aryk's life that has got to meet all these caring compassionate people)

I'm falling more and more in love with my boyfriend.. even after a funeral.. and being in a long car ride on dangerous road conditions.. I think that says a lot!
I just want to hangout with his family ALL THE TIME!! I am very excited for the future. very excited indeed!


now we both will be happy!

The other day my Boyfriend (hiiii Aryyykkk!!) and I caught ourselves in a ridiculous bicker. HALF ridiculous because of the other persons view, and the other half ridiculous is because of what we were bickering about...
THE bicker!
I-> cut off tags off his new pillows
He-> wanted to keep them and get new free pillows with the warranty in two years

THE he showed me a huge pile of receipts he has saved. WITH NO HOME!! they are all just in a big crunched up pile in his closet on a shelf. I seriously started having a mad anxiety attack.

so I was thinking of him today (as I do every second of every day)
and made a compromise! (HOW EXCITING!!!)
NOT ONLY a box for receipts

the sections goes as followed:
  • yet to be sorted (which i made lots of room for because I figure thats where everything will likely be
  • within this year
  • (oh shoot! I just realized i spelt receipts wrong!! grunt..) reciets for returns
  • Forever away from now (which also have lots of room for it because I assume thats where the rest of them will be located) 

YOU are WELCOME Aryk! high fives to compromise! 

p.s I did this in green because it is your favourite colour 

this little light of mine..

I'm going to let it shiiiiinnneee!!
this song reminds me of a African ancestor reading I went to.. I was told to let my light shine. candles to me.. remind me that I should be me.. and not let anyone try to put out my flame for the awesome things I bring to earth. You have more things to offer being original.. rather than being like everyone else
warmth is bliss.

not a proboscis, i don't play favourites

This guy on my facebook (Mark) keeps sending me these absolutely PRECIOUS youtube videos. I don't know how he knew these videos would make me turn into a cupcake in midday sunshine.. BUT IT DOES! so hopefully it will have the same affect on you! - compassion and love for the sloth babies!!

giggle giggle.. heh.. SERIOUSLY!?!! 
but then again.. anything Primate wise and working at a animal rehabilitation centre helping them get back on their feet is in dreaaaamm job! I keep trying to deny it and find a new footpath for me to clomp into.. but really.. to me there is nothing better.. 
SO! that being said! Thank you Mark for doing this cupcake in the sun feeling to my heart.
I love you sloths. I love you baby sloths. I love you primates. I love you animals. I love you Jane Goodall


cute old lady neighbour

Today while I was eating breakfast I looked out the window and said in a loud voice "THAT WOMAN IS OUT THERE SHOVELLING!!" - and in fact she was! no.. it wasn't a driveway or something you would typically see.. but she was shovelling the pathway that goes through the park. APPARENTLY she has been doing this all winter and going out and shovelling a path every day for her little granddaughter to make it home on a nice snow free pavement.(keep in mind this isn't JUST a pathway.. its the WHOLE walk this granddaughter would have to take to walk home from the bus) HOW LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE! I more so had a "awwwh" moment because I thought she was shovelling for EVERYONE. but its still pretty sweet.. and I'm thinking about sending her a little 'Thank you' letter 'from the neigbourhood' for shovelling for us. how sweet.

I wanted to run outside and take her photo.. but I thought maybe that would make her uncomfortable? (next time I do a post like this maybe I will be more brave..)so instead I shall post a picture due to my excitement that the snow is melting and spring is on its way!
seasons are so thrilling!

love made out of yarn

This post is pretty much going to be narrowed down about fantastic inspiring role model.. Barbra Grace Carn. Also known as my Nannie... whom is also known as my Mother's mom. 

I was thinking about things I love today.. (as I do every day.. but now I've got this whole blog thing started!) and my thoughts went straight too the mittens I've had for years and has been on many adventures with me! still in perfect condition made by my one and only dear Nannie. 

The love and compassion isn't just the wonderful gifts made from she for the family.. she made mittens, scarves, hats, blankets, socks, slippers and donated them to the Salvation Army. She took a hobby of hers and used it to help others. That makes my heart warm and full of inspiration.. in that whole way of.. yes. one person CAN make a difference. She was always helping others, but doing it out of love not out of a way to seek attention and praise from others.

I love these because they remind me of someone very special. I love them because they aren't some material store bought thing. I love them because they are yarn. I love them because they are simple. I love them because they make me think of the kind of person that I want to be.

I love them because they remind me that I want to bake more, make homemade bread and buns, knit, and do things to help the community.

youuuu areee myyyy.... brown eyed girl. <3 


a beginning

THIS IS where the idea of the name of this blog had come from.. I've recently discovered the proboscis monkey and my heart grew and grew LARGE for it! (in a travel book in the library, not in real life - yet) I've been thinking about them nonstop (for about 2 weeks) and how badly I would love a encounter and get to know more about these wonderful primates. So today i was googling them... AND MUCH TO MY SHOCK!! they are on many websites on how they are on lists for the 'ugliest animals in the world' my insides feel ever so sad at the thought of it
(I also found this website where there is a petition at the bottom for you to sign just urging the Malaysian Minister of Tourism and to the Indonesian Minisister of Forestry to be.. yes.. more loving and compassionate towards these handsome  creatures.. so sign away people!)