I was thinking about things I love today.. (as I do every day.. but now I've got this whole blog thing started!) and my thoughts went straight too the mittens I've had for years and has been on many adventures with me! still in perfect condition made by my one and only dear Nannie.
The love and compassion isn't just the wonderful gifts made from she for the family.. she made mittens, scarves, hats, blankets, socks, slippers and donated them to the Salvation Army. She took a hobby of hers and used it to help others. That makes my heart warm and full of inspiration.. in that whole way of.. yes. one person CAN make a difference. She was always helping others, but doing it out of love not out of a way to seek attention and praise from others.
I love these because they remind me of someone very special. I love them because they aren't some material store bought thing. I love them because they are yarn. I love them because they are simple. I love them because they make me think of the kind of person that I want to be.
I love them because they remind me that I want to bake more, make homemade bread and buns, knit, and do things to help the community.
youuuu areee myyyy.... brown eyed girl. <3