a beginning

THIS IS where the idea of the name of this blog had come from.. I've recently discovered the proboscis monkey and my heart grew and grew LARGE for it! (in a travel book in the library, not in real life - yet) I've been thinking about them nonstop (for about 2 weeks) and how badly I would love a encounter and get to know more about these wonderful primates. So today i was googling them... AND MUCH TO MY SHOCK!! they are on many websites on how they are on lists for the 'ugliest animals in the world' my insides feel ever so sad at the thought of it
(I also found this website http://www.proboscismonkey.org/index.htm where there is a petition at the bottom for you to sign just urging the Malaysian Minister of Tourism and to the Indonesian Minisister of Forestry to be.. yes.. more loving and compassionate towards these handsome creatures.. so sign away people!)