boyfriend bought me a toque 'just because' :)
I decided to have this blog as my 'things I love' IS.... (drum roll please)...
giving someone gifts NOT FOR HOLIDAY but because you see something that you know that person will like.. and just get it for them.
its meaningful, its heartwarming, its.... all lovely feelings!
its fantastic
I find gifts on holidays.... birthday, christmas, valentines day... are all pressure gifts. which clearly aren't spur of the moment 'thinking of you' type gifts, they are "December 25th is coming up oh crap what should I get you? oh look a necklace... girls like necklaces..."
I love to know that I'm thought about randomly.. I love knowing that people want to make me feel special.. and I love doing the same in return to make them feel special and thought about!
I try to do this whenever I find it possible. I enjoy giving people things that I can feel them getting joy from receiving it. It has so much more love in it. bringing someone a coffee.. buying someone a t-shirt that is 'so them', making someone cookies,
loving love with love <3