I personally like them.. they are high in protein.. fibre.. a perfect grab and go breakfast.. my banana loaf/banana cranberry loaf is becoming very high in demand..
this website here-> http://bananasweb.com/health-benefits-of-bananas.. tells you some of the amazing medical benefits from Bananas!! such as helping with anaemia, mosquito bites, heart burn, (I personally have excitement over finding out what foods give you health benefits! it amazes me.. and gets me really excited about the things that I eat!)
it has sugar in it? who cares! all fruits have natural sugars in it.. NATURAL SUGARS!!
I find this new 'research' that I've been hearing on the radio and seeing on the news and reading about in the paper... HOOOEY! about a banana not being that good for you. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!?! I say.. stick to mother nature.. she knows best!
Facts that I have found randomly just now about bananas that I found interesting and wish to share with you dear dedicated likely adorable readers!
they made me go "huh." not "huh??" but "huh."
- The average American consumes 28 pounds of bananas per year.
- About 50 percent of people who are allergic to latex are often also allergic to bananas.
- Scientists are trying to develop a hybrid, disease-resistant banana.
- The song "Yes, We Have No Bananas" was released in 1923 and became a huge hit. It refers to the banana shortage at the time. (this one I put up for you Mother.. because you used to/do still? sing this all the time)
- In 2001, Britain recorded 300 incidents of injuries related to bananas. The majority of these involved people slipping on banana peels.
- According to a physiological psychology professor at Community College of New York, the expression “going bananas” derives from bananas’ effects on the brain
- Just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. (thats a whole hot yoga class!)
- Having your dog eat too much bananas can cause diarrhea