Memory Lane of Blogs


sucking face PDA

One of the excitements of being at a hockey game is the things that they have on the tv screens.. such as obese people pigging out on burgers... kids dancing to the good ol' hockey game.. the mascot.. trivia.. info on the players... 'funniest home videos' of people getting injured in ridiculous ways

BUT my favourite of ALL even though it is EVER SO HARD to choose...
is the when they do the KISS CAM!
no.. not because I hope to get picked and have the camera on me for the whole world to see me sucking face with the person beside me.
BUT because they pick the cutest people of all time for those things! (new goal if animal rehabilitation centres don't work out for me.. is to be a camera person) everyone is just innocently watching the game.. one person looks up and gets surprised and excited to be on the screen.. then brings it to the other person who gets surprised and excited.. and then they share some big loving smooch! (stick person re-inactment above) its so wonderful to have people cheering each other on, people going on date nights... just loving one another and having a good time!!

in fact.. it makes me SO happy.. that I cry. thats right, I cry happy tears... I cry tears of THRILL and utter happiness for others.. at hockey games

its like... watching a adorably cheesy romantic comedy.. IN REAL LIFE.
I smiled this whole blog type up. I also smiled the whole time I drew the stick people..
I can't help it.. as expressed before (and likely many more times through my blogging life..) I LOVE love.