Memory Lane of Blogs


not a proboscis, i don't play favourites

This guy on my facebook (Mark) keeps sending me these absolutely PRECIOUS youtube videos. I don't know how he knew these videos would make me turn into a cupcake in midday sunshine.. BUT IT DOES! so hopefully it will have the same affect on you! - compassion and love for the sloth babies!!

giggle giggle.. heh.. SERIOUSLY!?!! 
but then again.. anything Primate wise and working at a animal rehabilitation centre helping them get back on their feet is in dreaaaamm job! I keep trying to deny it and find a new footpath for me to clomp into.. but really.. to me there is nothing better.. 
SO! that being said! Thank you Mark for doing this cupcake in the sun feeling to my heart.
I love you sloths. I love you baby sloths. I love you primates. I love you animals. I love you Jane Goodall