Memory Lane of Blogs


struggle + overcoming it = inspiring amazing people

My bunny’s name is Raisin
                                                              Cause that is like his poo;
And if you pooed like raisins
I’d call you that too.
-spent the other day sitting listening and laughing to Robert Munsch reading his stories on his website. thought I'd post it and draw your attention to his site incase maybe it will bring you happiness as well!
I also discovered he's a fairly interesting/inspiring guy!
He is Bipolar, Obsessive Compulsive , and has been in a constant fight with alcoholism and depression..  and in 2010 he admitted to having a cocaine addiction.. he also had a learning disability and kept flunking in school even in elementary school!In 2008 Sir Munsch had a stroke and it left him unable to speak/he couldn't come up with new stories(can you imagine? thats his whole life! since a child he depended on his story telling/writing funny poems)

I think we can all agree... our lives would be less happy if we never had a little Robert Munsch. I think its quite likely he will remain a classic even when the dinosaurs roam the earth again. He gets a high grade in my book! which means... a blog entry!