Memory Lane of Blogs


lilac world saving

went to the lilac festival of course
and after we had dinner at the boxwood cafe! organic, local, cute, lovely.. tasty food tasty tea.. was a lovely sunday, I like to go to these activities more for the people watching, seeing all the interesting people that live here, soaking up cultures, buying some handmade goodies (I got rock earrings)
lots of the stuff at the festival is the same as all those places.. people go to Thailand buy stuff for a dollar and come back here and sell it for 50 bucks. Being one that has been to Southeast Asia.. I'm toooo smart for that silliness

weeeee got adorable soft comfy fuzzy handmade slippers!
a wonderful blanket
and a toque! (thats looks good on both of us!)

they are from Nepal.. and all the money that we spent goes straight back to Nepal and helping kids schooling and stuff!! OH MAN those are my favourite kinds of purchaces.. where we all end up helping each other out! we wanted slippers cause our basement is cold and we've talked about getting slippers..
Aryk's house burned down so he will need a toque in the winter...
annnnnd who doesn't like a blanket?
sooo.. pretty much those things would have been bought anyways..
we are excited..
not to mention the slippers are great for sliding across the floor!
Not a POSITIVE note.. but a POSITIVE THING for the FUTURE! please leave your dogs at home.. looking at the dogs at the festival.. they are NOT happy! they are panting and putting their tails between their legs from the heat, loud noises, crowds of people, people stepping on their feet. maybe take the time to take your dogs to the dog park.. they will enjoy that a whole lot more!

(p.s this blog would be more exciting but it seems the computer is doing something which I do not know why and will not let me correct anything.. highlight anything.. put in photos.. arrange anything etc.. SOOO its a sign for me to leave it be.. annnnd you get what you get!)


love notes

Aryk's Nana just sent me a email and it was titled "Hello from a Dinosaur"
excuse me for my heart is now going to smile for the rest of the day :)


a house is not a home.. without a television

My dear father came by last week with...

A TV as a housewarming gift! WHAT?!!!
he had heard (from me and my endless talking about everything) (we've talked every day since I moved out) (and I've pretty much seen him everyday since I've moved out) (I miss him) (so much) (hi dad!!)
that we had a television but it has not been working! (so lucky Aryk has got the excitement of time killing with playing video games) (which he is actually doing right now as I write this blog!) (heh.. he just paused the game at this very second to smile at me.. hmm.. its like he knows that I am talking about him/just secretly took his picture in order to prove that while I write this he is video gaming..)
so Dad went out and got us a tv so his poor daughter isn't suffering with lonelyness/boredness living in a cold dark basement when no one is home! (AND NO DOGS!)
(though also at this very second I have the fat cat Mr. Chops sitting beside me right now) (also photographic evidence for RIGHT NOW) (the cat seems oddly fascinated with the video game.. which kinda concerns me for the video game is killing people.. and as you know I have a fear of cats and think they are plotting killing me..)
it was a really exciting time! Aryk and I kinda just stared at dad in SHOCK that now we have this lovely HD flatscreen.. like WHAT?!! so the guys were being guys and being all "Oh this cord is connected to the.." "this must mean that.. and then.." "ooohh okay so if we.. " "working now?"

side note.. We took the dogs to the dog park and had a lovely jolly time. The new location of which we live is super close to the dog park so it'll be rather lovely that I can join Dad at many times for a lovely walk by the river and admiring puppies etc.
annnnnnd Dad also brought us a fake fireplace from HIS location because it wasn't getting much use. MAN ITS AWWWWESOME! we are keeping so nice and toasty warm and stuff. THANK THE HEAVENS! (and by the heavens.. I mean Dad... as in my Father.. and people call God -> Father... which would be in the Heavens! see how I connected that?)

long story short.. I love dad
not only can I watch video games.. but I can also watch sports channels! wahooo living with a boy and having basic cable  :)

I hope you enjoyed my photo documenting in this blog. man.. I must be a exciting person to have around and of course.. very helpful.

Russian love hugs

my beautiful Russian followers!! I am so happy to see you!
I was upset and worried when I changed my blog name from the proboscis monkey to a kristenkindaday because I had such a wonderful Russian community giving me a hug along my new found blogging life.

BUT IT SEEMS that you have followed me! and for this I am very greatful and very pleased and loved that you have continued to join me on this journey of mine! 

 <3 (I wish I had a picture to put up.. but I have never been to Russia and I do not think I own anything Russian.. ) (YET!)


The number... Seven

Today! is a celebration day! a full week has passed and I have survived with living with A BOY!!
yay! bring out the Champaign and noise makers!!
so with today being a full week .. I played housewife (no.. not out of kindness of my heart.. but because Ii had a day off and Aryk left his dishes in the sink this morning) BUT I also ran errands, got the groceries, swept, organized (these were all by choice) and spent a fair chunk of my day making dinner!
(yes I took photos for evidence) (no the photos do not make it look very tasty)
I made Broccoli and pepper rizotto! 
its all:
Vegetable broth separate pot
in pan... butter, garlic.. oil.. onions, 
throw in the rice.. throw in white wine..let is soak out everything
throw in some of the vegetable broth..
let the rice fatten..
put more broth in..
let rice fatten..
let broth in...
cut up broccoli.. cup up peppers.. 
more broth..
grate up 2 lemons..
put in basil.. put in salt and pepper..
put in something else that I can't remember while currently blogging...

AND because I used LONG rice instead of SHORT RICE (thank you dad for calling me to give me such educational information) I didn't have to use so much broth in it. SOOOO I CUT UP SOME ONIONS ETC AND MADE IT INTO ONION SOUP FOR US TO HAVE FOR DINNER TOMORROW!! OH MY GOSH I AM SO EXCITED!
"is there some sort of cheese in this?" "i'm shocked, you know.. like when you have that shocked feeling because it is so good" (should I be insulted by that one?) "mmmmMMmm yum" "no.. like this is actually SO GOOD" "Im really impressed!" - some quotes of Aryk's reaction to the grub. we also had garlic bread..

he however ruined dessert. how you ask? cause he's tall :( I made strawberries dipped in chocolate but I HID THEM as a surprise treat, but I hid them  on the fridge... and he is taller than me.. so.. he saw them pretty much as soon as he got home.. haha boo. but at least he was excited?  
now I'm drinking tea.. writing in blog.. listening to hockey.. and happy, content.. etc
HOWEVER after playing housewife I realized that I really do want to figure out what I want my future career to be.. and not get stuck in not going back to school.. cause.. I do not want to be a housewife..

LOVE Kristen

OH also about the number seven.. we watched 2 awesome movies this week that had the number seven in it!
movie-> Seven Pounds.
  featuring: Will Smith
movie-> Seven years in Tibet 
 featuring: Brad Pitt, a young Dalai Lama


bluffin with my muffin

Mom got us EVEN MORE things to make our home more cosy (no not the muffins pictured above. those are peach muffins I made a few weeks ago that I MUST MAKE AGAIN- note to self : make those muffins again) 
she brought me a whole bunch of stuff so I can continue with my love for baking! (or its because she wants me to contribute to the kitchen type work because I am a baker not a cook) (Aryk on the other hand seems to enjoy being in the kitchen! and I think he is really good at it, haven't had anything that I've had to scarf down... actually thinking about it.. I think I've said "yum" to all of it! he puts lots of vegetables in things.. hits all food groups, and makes sure I have protein!) (.......... hmm.. he's pretty great isn't he?)
anyways.. it was SUPER sweet of mom to take care of me and my hobby like that! now I have something to do rather than clean, reorganize things, take photos, blog... and drive over to my dad's house to eat out  of the fridge and walk/play with the dogs!!
(we still don't have tv, and the internet... I don't have much interest in.. and... every time I plan to go to the library its closed! or a holiday! -like today for example.. today is a monday.. but it is Victoria day..)



Today while eating my breakfast outside under the beautiful giant apple tree..  I could hear many little bumble bees flying about above my head!! Of course I would ignore my breakfast and allow it to get cold while I climbed the table just to admire the adorableness, businessness, fuzziness, and beauty of it!
bees amaze me.. as does looking up and seeing the skies, leaves, flowers, branches..

a good morning it was!
also.. we have birds living in our roof so that is also great entertainment!



Day 4 which would be a Saturday

breakfast of day 4

Today? today folks.. would be yes.. as the title calls it... day 4 which is a Saturdaythe 4 would be the amount of days it has been that Aryk and I have been calling this basement of ours the 'H' word. 

and it is the fourth day... that we get locked out of the house!!

(though on day three I did some how lock the bathroom door when I had left the bathroom and the boyfriend had to take tools to the door in order to get in. This no pillows thing really might make this basement more like a giant camping trip!! -as in we would have to do our bathroom doooties outside! haha-)
but this time.. the key was misplaced.. so when we came home from a pleasant afternoon dog walk.. much to our surprise we were now unable to get into the 'H' word!!
the boyfriend worked on his guy like skills to attempt to break into the house.. attempts to open windows.. doors.. NOTHING! NO SUCH LUCK!
luckily this makes me pleased to know that it is difficult to get into the house in any kind of way.. cause I do not like those times I am absolutely home alone and stuff..
at least when I was at my other location of growing up 1. our house was attempted to get broken into with NO SUCCESS!! annnnnnd.. for the last 3 years I've had my beautiful white dog as a retired guard dog.. sooooo yes I did feel more safe.
AND on the other lucky side.. it was nice and sunny out today.
anyways... our nice landlady called me from her camping trip to help us out. so thats lovely...
THANKS DAD!! i love you
she informed me that the cats are with her! whewf!!! - i've been walking around the last 2 days making attempts for cat like calls for them to come and hangout.. you know.. making cat sounds and all NOTHING!! I was starting to think all my cat progress was really not progress at all!! they hadn't even came down to use the litter box. yes.. insulted incredibly that I was.
annnnnnddd ANOTHER bright note! was! due to a few hours of homelessness I went and hangout at my Dad's location, and then so did the boyfriend! and THEN Dad took us out for dinner! awwwhh AND HE GOT TO BE OUR FIRST ACTUAL GUEST (for he had tea) sooo... when you look at it... the sunshine.. the cat neglect.. the dinner.. dad's company.. etc it all turned out wonderful! Happy 4th day. Happy Saturday. Happy we got to bring home leftovers :) 



Dad and Edgar chatting it up with the neighbours :)


home of the dinosaurs

sooooo.. we moved in!!
it was good. it was.. productive!
we played music.. we played soccer.. we went out for lunch at Joey's.. 
we grocery shopped and spent $174 in groceries originally $270
we.. went on a bike ride around the community.. it was short for we had stuff to do and Aryk had hockey in the evening.. and.. i'm out of shape.. and my asthma was making me wheeze and I'm too cool to go to the lung doctor to get a proper test done and get my inhaler..
there is a MASSIVE hill to get up to our place.. I suffered so much that when I got off my bike my legs wobbled about like rubber for a few minutes..
we went to Sport check so Aryk could grab hockey stuff, he also bought me a pair of WONDERFUL athletic shorts! (I'm sure there will be a picture of them in the future.. soo.. stay tuned)
we went to Rona and grabbed felt pads (so we don't scratch up our bamboo flooring of course) annnnnd observed ugly rugs... for we are still wanting a rug.. BASEMENTS ARE COLD! but gosh are they ugly, smelly, feel funny.. and not to mention expensive!!
so.. no... we did not get a rug..
instead! we bought kids floor play mats! very exciting! they are puzzle pieces so you can buy more and connect them and and they come in different colours (red, yellow, blue, green) annnnddd.. squishy, soft, and help keep the place warm! (oooo!)
annnnd we also checked out the bookshelves and such.. MUCH TO OUR SURPRISE! that the bookshelves and stuff at Rona are cheaper and much more responsible than.. IKEA! What?! I know right? and Aryk (the boyfriend) concluded that it probably is more sturdy and reliable and such too! gosh
we realized there isn't much we can do about dinner right now.. for... we don't have pots or pans.. or... yeah.. so for dinner we had salad.. and ate it out of the same bowl.. for we didn't have little bowls.. haha
we also realized when going to bed that we...
so.. that was a comfortable nights sleep I tell yah! we just put blankets in pillow cases
and in the morning Aryk found a spider on his pillow that could be a relative to a tarantula a VERY CLOSE RELATIVE! he then killed it with his iPhone...


future catlady?

cats and I have never gotten along. NEVER GOTTEN ALONG! never.
its not me.. not liking cats.. its that the cats aren't fond of me (yes I do take it personally) (yes it hurts to talk about) 
I choose to live with cats in the whole "you leave me alone, I leave you alone" but usually with my whole leaving cats alone.. they seem to find away to the other side of the room which I am at.. and use my face as their favorite scratching post.
this does NOT make sense to me! I love animals.. I'm known pretty much as being a animal whisperer among many cause we seem to have this bond.. cats however I don't see as a animal.. but as something would get along with the bullies I had to experience in junior high that passed their awfulness into small shoebox sized creatures..

I've told this story to people who have cats.. that "cats always attack me" the response is "not my cat! I have the nicest cat in the world and _____ (usually a cute cozy name) has never attacked anyone!" I say "thats fine, but I will give it space and not pet it.." and at some point the cat will snarl etc etc.. and we don't have that great of a time..
I've even cat sat for a cat no sadly it was not in a hat and I don't recall it being fat but I did sit for it not on it. This cat as I later found out.. had access to catnip the whole time I sat for this rat.. whoops I mean cat. And was ABSOLUTELY BANANAS THE WHOLE TIME!! clinging to my leg when I'd walk.. bite me when I'm sleeping.. rattle doors with its paws if I locked it out of the room I was in.. it was like a cheap budget horror movie that will still make you urinate your pants!other cats I know like to sit up on counters and cupboards and wait for a random perfect time for you to be unaware of its presence only for it to fly like a very well flown airplane to crash on your head. unfortunitely I'd rather have a small airplane crash on my head rather than a cat.. cause I think I'd know how to deal with that.. BUT HOW TO DO YOU DEAL WITH A CAT CLAWING AT YOUR FACE?!!
anyways.. I have 3 new roommates.. 1 of which is a boy (I'm sure that will be many other blog entries) and the other 2 are cats! (I'm sure will also be in blog stories) one of which is fat and judgemental and follows you around with eyes that are making fun of you and killing yourself esteem. the other is black.. meows a lot.. and follows me around (how concerning!) it is also named after something Egyptian (snaz!) 

the exciting point to this blog is....!! THE CAT AND I HAD A NONBADEXPERIENCE!! yay! it jumped up.. sat with me curled up on my lap and we just cuddled away and talked to each other and it rubbed its face on mine.. which I interpret as a good thing.. and cradled my face with its tail... (which I was originally insulted.. but I am told "thats what cats do")
anyways.. this is a huge milestone in my life!! I even pet it!

cats confuse me.. I'm determined to figure it out. though.. i'm a 'dogs4life' kinda gal
though today I bought a 'Kristen granny kinda shirt' annnnnnnd... it was pointed out to me that their are cat faces hidden in the floral.. ooo-ohhhh



its past 12am.. meaning..
janine and couch!
man am I behind.. so many things I wish to blog about ALL THE TIME

soooo.. I'm going to step back a few steps.. and blog not about today being moving day.
what we were thinking of getting

BUT just some quick appreciation thank you notes before it becomes so far in the past that it is less welcomed
->my dear friend since birth lizard breath.. also know as Janine Elisabeth! (last name not included.. gosh people! a little confidentiality here)
for SHE has saved Aryk and I from using yoga matts as our seats for.. well.. who knows how long!!
she gave us her couuuuuuchhh!! well.. more like lent us and might take back..
but OHMIGOSH!! thats wiiiiiicked cool!
now it will most for sure feel like a actual place that actual people live and i'll be a little bit less likely to come crawling back home with homesickness (which will happen anyways.. but maybe this will make it less depressing!!
such a loving, giving, wonderful gal!

-> mother (wow! two posts in a row!) who gave Aryk and I full bellies, and bags of non perishable food items to stock the basement with! such as.. mustard, ketchup, parmesan cheese, pasta, beans.. beans.. more beans.. and a little bit more beans! tuna..
you know the works
moving couch
ALSO my favourite in the survival package: environmental cleaning stuff! like dish soap!

annnnnd thanks to the transportation help of Janine's couch!

annnnnnnd thanks to Aryk for putting up with me and wanting to live with me still! <3

OOOOOOHH and thanks to our landlady (whom I would not think is a blog follower..) (yet) (hahah) who has let us do trips of moving stuff in a full week before our moving day!
not where we kept the couch
which has lead us to having EVERYTHING in the place and its not even moving day yet! aren't we eager beavers? haha what on earth will we do with our time tomorrow??

-yes.. I know this blog isn't very thrilling but my eyes are not open so I'm not sure if this is a dream of me blogging.. or me blogging about dreaming.. or.. just.. i.. and thien.. ZZzzZzzzz... day.. zz..z..z.



you inspire me to be a better person

"The quality of everything we do: our physical actions, our verbal actions, and even our mental actions, depends on our motivation. That's why it's important for us to examine our motivation in our day to day life. If we cultivate respect for others and our motivation is sincere, if we develop a genuine concern for others' well-being, then all our actions will be positive"
-Dalai Lama
(the fourteenth that is)
the wise man I take advice from. 
I'm a better person... all the time.. because of him. <3 


from the Jeffbro

a email I received from my brother yesterday!

"Hey Squirt, 

So Robin and I went through our stuff and we came up with some things for your new house. I've tagged mom and dad in this photo so they are aware of what not to get you as well. Exciting times!

  • Blender
  • Knives with a knife block
  • kettle
  • cereal bowls (4)
  • Small frying pan
  • A large pot
  • Forks, spoons and knives
  • Large spoon and spatula (flipper)
  • Sauce bowls (for salsa and the like (3)
  • Water Cups (4)
  • Travel Mugs - (2)
  • Measuring cups
  • Small plates and bowls 
  • A spice rotating rack
  • One large plate
After the wedding, we we will be able to send you some dinner plates, small plates and bowls, but are already short (Jesse moved out last week and needed stuff as well). If we get some plates for the wedding, we will send you four of each. However, you should be able to manage with what we are currently sending. 

We will keep our eyes open for other items around the house as well! 


HOW KIND! though I think Aryk and I are ending up being on platecupbowl overload now!! haha
note to self: people must like replacing/saving their platescupsbowls. 
interesting... very interesting..

but THANKYOU Jeff and Robin! I'm excited to have knifesforksspoons!! annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddd measuring cups was a exciting thing to see on the list for I didn't really think of that and I love baking! so.. YAY!

such love.


our basement is going to be... FILLED WITH DINOSAURS!! we are also getting a old table that I'm going to attack, sand it.. paint it.. etc.. and likely it will also be dinosaurs! YEESSS!!
also.. I'm feeling a less naked after yesterday.. we drove out to the boyfriend's ranch on Monday night and his lovely Nana gave us a giant pile of towels, flannel sheets, a big warm blanket..  stove top kettle, rice cooker and a whole bunch of games! (like a checker board, cribbage etc) most excellent and most appreciated! I've been really wanting a kettle, I love me my tea!! though I was thinking I'd just boil a pot and use that.. but this makes everything so much more wonderful and home like!!
we went to go pick up the key to his Mom's storage locker.. SOOOOO we went there obviously and got the bed (which doesn't fit down the stairs to the basement..) the dinosaurs.. and a toaster oven.

SO MUCH THANKS TO ARYK'S SIDE OF THE FAMILY! survival might actually happen.. 

we are so loved.


not just a bathmat

fiiiirst purchase for our place! originally it was too maybe get a toaster.. 
BUT it was decided that nice people might donate us nice things..
BUT I will NOT be taking anything from strangers such as a bathmat no matter HOW DESPERATE I AM! heck I'd even take up showering on rainy days etc
feet= gross
first purchase being a grown up girl = thrilling
not to mention.. this memory foam bathmat is like heaven for your feet. AND AND we got it 20% off with a coupon AND AND it was already on sale. so we got it for the price of a regular towel.


dance party every day

due to boyfriend house burning down situation.. and boyfriend living with me and my dad situation.. and my enjoying boyfriends company and not wanting to rip his head off situation...

that.. somehow we ended up looking at rental places together.. and some how we ended up renting a place together!!
"ABOUT TIME!" <- would say people I know because I am 23 and still living at home with my father.. but HA I say to people because I've gotten to travel and have a life! so bigger fool you... bigger fool you people who would say "about time!" to me!!!
but yes.. I am now a adult.. I signed papers... I bought toilet paper... (actually my dad did) and now a week from tomorrow I will be in.. MY OWN PLACE (even though its rented so.. if you were to get all technical and stuff)

we are super excited! and super nervous.. its a big deal for BOTH of us! and neither one of us has lived with a significant other before.. this is like.. SERIOUS BUSINESS PEOPLE!!

we marched over there today to drop off some stuff, sign papers, get a key, chatter with our landlady who looks like Ellen D...

THIS would be out lovely Kitchen
yes thats the oven beside me in the picture.. she is thinking about getting us a new one! new bamboo floors.. lots of natural light... I personally am really excited about all the space we have! I don't like elbow touching when I'm in the kitchen! I like space... I'm a tad claustrophobic. no we do not have a dishwasher.. currently at this moment I think its adorable that we do not.. this opinion could change.. but maybe not?
also.. see that cupboard on the end? it has wheels on it. and you can drag it out and it becomes a island/table and the ends fold out. HANDY HANDY HANDY!!

Don't know if you can tell...but this place is HUGE! if you look at the floor and stuff and how far away Aryk is... its a really big room! we are thinking it will make a wonderful dance floor..
thats right.. NOTHING goes in!
so straight across is bathroom.. right beside bathroom is the laundry room.. right beside that laundry room is the stairs... right beside the stairs is another room that COULD be a bedroom but it has no windows..
(picture of that will be below this one on the left)
theeeeennnn the kitchen!
then on the OTHER side RIGHT beside Aryk is the bedroom and the door beside the bedroom is like a big giant storage room that can be used for things to keep cold like a wine cellar etc. YAY

NOT included in photos!
-2 very friendly nice cats. one is fat the other is black
-a hot tub
-our bathroom
-our laundry room
-really big bedroom
-giant delightful sunroom
-apple tree
-giant garden I'm allowed to garden in
-nature everywhere that you don't realise you are in the city -> we are right by a tree farm.. have community gardens.. waterfall..
- bike ride 5 minutes away from groceries, movie theatre, library, coffee, train station..



restricted call

OKAY! right now I think I have time! and time means.. a great time to sit on the computer and talk about something!!
lets hear it!
"woop woop!"
 I can't hear you!!
"Woop Woop!!"
a little bit louder now.. yell so all my wonderful followers from Russia can hear you and all my wonderful Russia followers we can hear you in Canada.. and you other followers from other countries.. just be louder than last time!
thats better! now where/how shall I tell this story of a Kristen kinda day..
how about..
Last Tuesday.. I get home from work, take the dogs to nosehill.. sit down to relax and look at cellphone and see I have all these mysterious phone calls (people know not to call me cause I always have my ringtone on silent and I never notice when people are calling..) but when I checked to see who it said 'Restricted' I'm thinking to myself that its prob someone calling to harass me that I wouldn't really care to talk to anyways (negative of me yes I realise) but my phone rings AGAIN same restricted number. this time I'm thinking "this person whomever they are seem to REALLY want to get a hold of me" so I pick up-

mystery male voice "Hi Kristen, is Aryk there?"
"uhmm.. no" (I'm thinking to myself who the heck is this? Aryk's friend? yeah.. must be a friend of Aryk's)
mystery male voice "Do you know where he is?"
"yep, he's at work"
mystery male voice "oh okay.....  do you know when he's done? something something.. something, his house is on fire"
"WHAT?!!! is everything okay??! is his grandpa there??? I'll call him"
"ohhh noo thats fine it will probably not make things any better for his work day"
"yeah.. I guess thats a good point.."
mystery male voice "ooohh?? okay! got to go!"
"huh? yeah okay"
*click* *click*


- and some point I realized this mysterious voice would be my father calling.. I guess I didn't know who it was due to voice seriousness etc
so anxiety kicks in, my brain is a ramble of rambles that don't make sense I'm in my ACTION MODE!
i'm like "k k what to do?! I was told not to call Aryk.. I am a rather creative thinker.. so when I have I feeling in my throat I think I'm dying.. or if my pillow touches the ground I think of bugs and stuff that could have touched it and I debate getting a new pillow.. so likely when I'm told that Aryk's house is on fire I'm picturing ON FIRE but really it is just a little flame... neighbours complain about smoke.. firefighters show up and say "you are silly next time" and thats that.
SO! I decided my best solution for the situation would be to drive myself on down to boyfriend's house SEE the situation for myself.. annnnnnnnnnnnd use my own judgements on what steps I should take next.
Obviously once I got into the community and saw that his whole street was blocked off with police cars... seeing 4 fire trucks.. ambulence etc.. Thhhhhhhaaaaat.. maybe my assumptions were right! (awwe crap! the one time my over active brain is correct! commmonnnn!!) I had to go up to the cop car and prove that I actually knew the guys and he agreed that it would be best if I ran off to be the great news breaker to the boyfriend at work.
I show up at his work.. Pop around the corner and he sees me. BIG SMILE on his face! (he has suggested to me how nice it would be to come and visit him at work so he was thrilled that I actually had done it) I say "I don't think you should be excited" he is confused... "your house is on fire.." sooo.. we hopped in the car.. showed up at the house..
hungout with my dad..
hungout with the neighbourhood kids...
had my dad run into the house before they ripped out the celine of Aryk's room and grab his laptops (he is a student.. thats a whole lot of his life on there)
My dad is great. I love him. He's heroic, considerate, compassionate, loving, and my best friend.
he offered for Aryk to come stay at our house (now that he is homeless and all)
rounded up a bunch of my oversized t-shirts from beer companies etc, found my brothers old stuff from when he was in junior high/highschool. and.. well.. we are making it work!
we also jumped over the fence at his place... and grabbed a few things.. all of his stuff is pretty much wrecked from water damage.. and clothes and anything plastic wont work because of the smell.. but passport.. photo albums.. hockey stuff = all saved so thats good

my new roommate ain't so bad either.. he eats a lot for breakfast.. its fascinating. quite honestly... I was expecting him to irritate me with small this and that things.. you know.. it being my space and all.. and him being in it.. using my toothpaste.. and stuff.. but really strangely it all seems very natural.. and when he's at work I can't wait to see him when he gets back.. and I like just sitting and playing on my phone while he plays video games..
dear gosh.. this is like.. A REAL RELATIONSHIP!! 


3am tea

HAPPY one year ANNIVERSARY my dear lovelies -> Willy and Kate!! (plus two days)
man.. one year eh? feels like just yesterday I told everyone at work for a week about Will and Kate's wedding and who would be watching it (a common response would be someone not caring and/or telling me that they knew their grandmother would be watching it) 
BUT I kneeeewww it would be time well spent! so.. of course I booked the next day off work so I could spend a evening/night/morning cuddled up by myself on the couch drinking tea.. eating toast in substitute of crumpets. Much exciting times at my house I tell you!
my memories of the wedding goes as follows
- Watching all documentaries (even though I've seen 95% of them all before) about the life of Will and Harry, Will and Kate movie, Kate's upbringing, Will's upbringing, princess Diana, the Queen, Princess Diana and Charles etc.
-flipping to many different channels for every channel had the wedding on but it was very exciting to go from watching all the different hosts and what topics they found most interesting to look at.. I personally favoured E-news with Guiliana Rancic she was almost as excited about the wedding as I was!
-Hearing about how William went out and thanked guests for being at the wedding! 
-Watching the excitement on the town that Kate had grown up in (Berkshire) . and everyone explaining how Kate used to go in their and eat candy etc. EVERYONE was plunked in front of their tv's to watch the celebration take place 
- The Queen was wearing a very cute light yellow dress, and Kate's mom looked delightful and lovely as well
- admiring all the hats (I told my brother's fiance that I am going to wear a fascinator to their wedding this June just like Beatrice!) 
- confirmation of how in love I am with Prince Harry
- they added trees as some of their own wedding special touches and the trees then after would be planted at Prince of Wale's High grove estate, as a permanent reminder of their wedding
- waiting and waiting for the songs and solum talking to be over with
- seeing Kate snicker when she said all of William's names when she said "I Kate will take thee.. William Arthur Philip Louis" because she was thinking of Princess Diana because she had said Charles name wrong at their wedding (heh)
- MUCH excitement to see their kiss.. POOF over! both of them!
- loved the people watching.. 

etc etc
and then I watched news clips all day/ probably later than that day of them talking about the wedding, or tv channels doing full reruns.. for some reason I found it more exciting the more times I watched it.. even though the gospel music music at the time was making me a tad on the sleepy side.
ANYWAYS as we all know! they came on their first Canadian Tour just after the wedding.. tres exciting!
and my father and I woke up bright and early the day of the Calgary Stampede and found ourselves the PERFECT SPOT to see the newly weds FIRST HAND at the parade, no one out of the estimated 424, 00 people at the parade were NOT talking about the Dutch and Dutchess of Cambridge. Nice cameras fully charged, everyone rubbing elbows to sit right up front and HERE THEY CAME
first the very slow motorcycles...
everyone clapping cheering loosing it with excitement and chill in our bodies


gone! 3 limos just rocketed past all of us through the whole parade!!!
yes people.. it is in my list of disappointments!
as did it I'm sure for many people.. for it was the only thing people talked about for the rest of the 2 hour parade.
those poor excited children were so confused.
I think its likely I teared up?
anyways.. here is the best photo taken.. brought to you by my dad. enjoy

if you are having troubles figuring it out.. that would be Kate in the back there.. with a white cowboy hat on.
on the bright news I found out yesterday Prince Charles and Camilla will be on their way to Canada.... but sigh

anways.. happy anniversary you busy beas