Memory Lane of Blogs


bluffin with my muffin

Mom got us EVEN MORE things to make our home more cosy (no not the muffins pictured above. those are peach muffins I made a few weeks ago that I MUST MAKE AGAIN- note to self : make those muffins again) 
she brought me a whole bunch of stuff so I can continue with my love for baking! (or its because she wants me to contribute to the kitchen type work because I am a baker not a cook) (Aryk on the other hand seems to enjoy being in the kitchen! and I think he is really good at it, haven't had anything that I've had to scarf down... actually thinking about it.. I think I've said "yum" to all of it! he puts lots of vegetables in things.. hits all food groups, and makes sure I have protein!) (.......... hmm.. he's pretty great isn't he?)
anyways.. it was SUPER sweet of mom to take care of me and my hobby like that! now I have something to do rather than clean, reorganize things, take photos, blog... and drive over to my dad's house to eat out  of the fridge and walk/play with the dogs!!
(we still don't have tv, and the internet... I don't have much interest in.. and... every time I plan to go to the library its closed! or a holiday! -like today for example.. today is a monday.. but it is Victoria day..)