it was good. it was.. productive!
we played music.. we played soccer.. we went out for lunch at Joey's..
we grocery shopped and spent $174 in groceries originally $270
we.. went on a bike ride around the community.. it was short for we had stuff to do and Aryk had hockey in the evening.. and.. i'm out of shape.. and my asthma was making me wheeze and I'm too cool to go to the lung doctor to get a proper test done and get my inhaler..
there is a MASSIVE hill to get up to our place.. I suffered so much that when I got off my bike my legs wobbled about like rubber for a few minutes..
we went to Sport check so Aryk could grab hockey stuff, he also bought me a pair of WONDERFUL athletic shorts! (I'm sure there will be a picture of them in the future.. soo.. stay tuned)
we went to Rona and grabbed felt pads (so we don't scratch up our bamboo flooring of course) annnnnd observed ugly rugs... for we are still wanting a rug.. BASEMENTS ARE COLD! but gosh are they ugly, smelly, feel funny.. and not to mention expensive!!
so.. no... we did not get a rug..
instead! we bought kids floor play mats! very exciting! they are puzzle pieces so you can buy more and connect them and and they come in different colours (red, yellow, blue, green) annnnddd.. squishy, soft, and help keep the place warm! (oooo!)
we realized there isn't much we can do about dinner right now.. for... we don't have pots or pans.. or... yeah.. so for dinner we had salad.. and ate it out of the same bowl.. for we didn't have little bowls.. haha
we also realized when going to bed that we...
so.. that was a comfortable nights sleep I tell yah! we just put blankets in pillow cases
and in the morning Aryk found a spider on his pillow that could be a relative to a tarantula a VERY CLOSE RELATIVE! he then killed it with his iPhone...