future catlady?
cats and I have never gotten along. NEVER GOTTEN ALONG! never.
its not me.. not liking cats.. its that the cats aren't fond of me (yes I do take it personally) (yes it hurts to talk about)
I choose to live with cats in the whole "you leave me alone, I leave you alone" but usually with my whole leaving cats alone.. they seem to find away to the other side of the room which I am at.. and use my face as their favorite scratching post.
this does NOT make sense to me! I love animals.. I'm known pretty much as being a animal whisperer among many cause we seem to have this bond.. cats however I don't see as a animal.. but as something would get along with the bullies I had to experience in junior high that passed their awfulness into small shoebox sized creatures..
I've told this story to people who have cats.. that "cats always attack me" the response is "not my cat! I have the nicest cat in the world and _____ (usually a cute cozy name) has never attacked anyone!" I say "thats fine, but I will give it space and not pet it.." and at some point the cat will snarl etc etc.. and we don't have that great of a time..
I've even cat sat for a cat no sadly it was not in a hat and I don't recall it being fat but I did sit for it not on it. This cat as I later found out.. had access to catnip the whole time I sat for this rat.. whoops I mean cat. And was ABSOLUTELY BANANAS THE WHOLE TIME!! clinging to my leg when I'd walk.. bite me when I'm sleeping.. rattle doors with its paws if I locked it out of the room I was in.. it was like a cheap budget horror movie that will still make you urinate your pants!other cats I know like to sit up on counters and cupboards and wait for a random perfect time for you to be unaware of its presence only for it to fly like a very well flown airplane to crash on your head. unfortunitely I'd rather have a small airplane crash on my head rather than a cat.. cause I think I'd know how to deal with that.. BUT HOW TO DO YOU DEAL WITH A CAT CLAWING AT YOUR FACE?!!
anyways.. I have 3 new roommates.. 1 of which is a boy (I'm sure that will be many other blog entries) and the other 2 are cats! (I'm sure will also be in blog stories) one of which is fat and judgemental and follows you around with eyes that are making fun of you and killing yourself esteem. the other is black.. meows a lot.. and follows me around (how concerning!) it is also named after something Egyptian (snaz!)
the exciting point to this blog is....!! THE CAT AND I HAD A NONBADEXPERIENCE!! yay! it jumped up.. sat with me curled up on my lap and we just cuddled away and talked to each other and it rubbed its face on mine.. which I interpret as a good thing.. and cradled my face with its tail... (which I was originally insulted.. but I am told "thats what cats do")
anyways.. this is a huge milestone in my life!! I even pet it!
cats confuse me.. I'm determined to figure it out. though.. i'm a 'dogs4life' kinda gal
though today I bought a 'Kristen granny kinda shirt' annnnnnnd... it was pointed out to me that their are cat faces hidden in the floral.. ooo-ohhhh