due to boyfriend house burning down situation.. and boyfriend living with me and my dad situation.. and my enjoying boyfriends company and not wanting to rip his head off situation...
that.. somehow we ended up looking at rental places together.. and some how we ended up renting a place together!!
"ABOUT TIME!" <- would say people I know because I am 23 and still living at home with my father.. but HA I say to people because I've gotten to travel and have a life! so bigger fool you... bigger fool you people who would say "about time!" to me!!!
but yes.. I am now a adult.. I signed papers... I bought toilet paper... (actually my dad did) and now a week from tomorrow I will be in.. MY OWN PLACE (even though its rented so.. if you were to get all technical and stuff)
we are super excited! and super nervous.. its a big deal for BOTH of us! and neither one of us has lived with a significant other before.. this is like.. SERIOUS BUSINESS PEOPLE!!
THIS would be out lovely Kitchen
yes thats the oven beside me in the picture.. she is thinking about getting us a new one! new bamboo floors.. lots of natural light... I personally am really excited about all the space we have! I don't like elbow touching when I'm in the kitchen! I like space... I'm a tad claustrophobic. no we do not have a dishwasher.. currently at this moment I think its adorable that we do not.. this opinion could change.. but maybe not?
also.. see that cupboard on the end? it has wheels on it. and you can drag it out and it becomes a island/table and the ends fold out. HANDY HANDY HANDY!!
Don't know if you can tell...but this place is HUGE! if you look at the floor and stuff and how far away Aryk is... its a really big room! we are thinking it will make a wonderful dance floor..
thats right.. NOTHING goes in!
so straight across is bathroom.. right beside bathroom is the laundry room.. right beside that laundry room is the stairs... right beside the stairs is another room that COULD be a bedroom but it has no windows..
(picture of that will be below this one on the left)
theeeeennnn the kitchen!
then on the OTHER side RIGHT beside Aryk is the bedroom and the door beside the bedroom is like a big giant storage room that can be used for things to keep cold like a wine cellar etc. YAY
NOT included in photos!
-2 very friendly nice cats. one is fat the other is black
-a hot tub
-our bathroom
-our laundry room
-really big bedroom
-giant delightful sunroom
-apple tree
-giant garden I'm allowed to garden in
-nature everywhere that you don't realise you are in the city -> we are right by a tree farm.. have community gardens.. waterfall..
- bike ride 5 minutes away from groceries, movie theatre, library, coffee, train station..