A TV as a housewarming gift! WHAT?!!!
that we had a television but it has not been working! (so lucky Aryk has got the excitement of time killing with playing video games) (which he is actually doing right now as I write this blog!) (heh.. he just paused the game at this very second to smile at me.. hmm.. its like he knows that I am talking about him/just secretly took his picture in order to prove that while I write this he is video gaming..)
(though also at this very second I have the fat cat Mr. Chops sitting beside me right now) (also photographic evidence for RIGHT NOW) (the cat seems oddly fascinated with the video game.. which kinda concerns me for the video game is killing people.. and as you know I have a fear of cats and think they are plotting killing me..)
side note.. We took the dogs to the dog park and had a lovely jolly time. The new location of which we live is super close to the dog park so it'll be rather lovely that I can join Dad at many times for a lovely walk by the river and admiring puppies etc.
annnnnnd Dad also brought us a fake fireplace from HIS location because it wasn't getting much use. MAN ITS AWWWWESOME! we are keeping so nice and toasty warm and stuff. THANK THE HEAVENS! (and by the heavens.. I mean Dad... as in my Father.. and people call God -> Father... which would be in the Heavens! see how I connected that?)
long story short.. I love dad
not only can I watch video games.. but I can also watch sports channels! wahooo living with a boy and having basic cable :)
I hope you enjoyed my photo documenting in this blog. man.. I must be a exciting person to have around and of course.. very helpful.