Memory Lane of Blogs



our basement is going to be... FILLED WITH DINOSAURS!! we are also getting a old table that I'm going to attack, sand it.. paint it.. etc.. and likely it will also be dinosaurs! YEESSS!!
also.. I'm feeling a less naked after yesterday.. we drove out to the boyfriend's ranch on Monday night and his lovely Nana gave us a giant pile of towels, flannel sheets, a big warm blanket..  stove top kettle, rice cooker and a whole bunch of games! (like a checker board, cribbage etc) most excellent and most appreciated! I've been really wanting a kettle, I love me my tea!! though I was thinking I'd just boil a pot and use that.. but this makes everything so much more wonderful and home like!!
we went to go pick up the key to his Mom's storage locker.. SOOOOO we went there obviously and got the bed (which doesn't fit down the stairs to the basement..) the dinosaurs.. and a toaster oven.

SO MUCH THANKS TO ARYK'S SIDE OF THE FAMILY! survival might actually happen.. 

we are so loved.