its pretty much stories about my day to day life... or sharing pictures... for I swear in my day to day life I take at least 20 photos
No computers
Both of our computers are dead at the moment.. So I have to try to entertain you for the time being through my iphone.. So expect a lot of photography. Beware for when the laptops are back though.. FOR I HAVE SO MUCH TO BLOG ABOUT
Stop you are breaking the law!!
With... Vandalism!! I see this sign every time I leave my house and I let out a chuckle every time I see it
syrup floral and pleasant words! oh boy!
The other day I had my mom over to sit in the sun and enjoy a cup of tea.
We were talking about people my age and living in Calgary.. how all people really wish to do is go out drinking.. not really my style
a quote from my mother
"your not really a party girl.. your more like a grandma"
kristen-> "hahahahahah"
mom-> "and those things are probably the things I love most about you!"
mom has better grammar.. but you get the general idea.
and mom is right! I love baking, drinking tea, going on walks, not wearing revealing clothes.. I love antiques.. pastel colours, plants.. floral patterns on clothes..
I don't swear.. I hardly ever get drunk, I try to be kind, respectful and compassionate to everyone I meet..
and when I think about it.. I think most of my 'granny like qualities' are the qualities I like most about myself as well!
the photo choice you ask? well this picture is from a very exciting part out our trip looking at the many different kinds of honey, jam and most exciting of all... SYRUP!
we spent a long time there.. for there were tough decisions to make!! we even planned to go back a second time.. but we got to busy sitting on the porch waiting for a cougar or bear to wander into the backyard in Kelowna
We were talking about people my age and living in Calgary.. how all people really wish to do is go out drinking.. not really my style
"your not really a party girl.. your more like a grandma"
kristen-> "hahahahahah"
mom-> "and those things are probably the things I love most about you!"
mom has better grammar.. but you get the general idea.
and mom is right! I love baking, drinking tea, going on walks, not wearing revealing clothes.. I love antiques.. pastel colours, plants.. floral patterns on clothes..
I don't swear.. I hardly ever get drunk, I try to be kind, respectful and compassionate to everyone I meet..
and when I think about it.. I think most of my 'granny like qualities' are the qualities I like most about myself as well!
the photo choice you ask? well this picture is from a very exciting part out our trip looking at the many different kinds of honey, jam and most exciting of all... SYRUP!
we spent a long time there.. for there were tough decisions to make!! we even planned to go back a second time.. but we got to busy sitting on the porch waiting for a cougar or bear to wander into the backyard in Kelowna
Mistakes are usually hilarious
That gal Lauren you know.. My dearest BFF in kelowna informed me about the aids post I wrote in.. I said CUTE when I ment to say cure. Bah!
Happy Daughters day
really it does feel like its a 'daughters' day to me.. I'm so lucky to have my dad AS my dad! especially when you hear how important it is for daughters to have good fathers in their lives! it makes a big difference on your future and how you view guys should be! i'm fortunate and grateful I am every day!
a day to celebrate. cheers
Ceiling Dion
this next blog post is different from any earlier blog post.. for I wasn't actually there for the event.. so I'm retelling the story of which Aryk had told me this morning!
exciting huh?
Aryk was just about to make some french toast and he heard a sound.. originally he thought it was coming the bathroom.. but realized it was coming from closer than the bathroom.. somewhere like.. THE MIDDLE OF OUR ROOM!!
I asked if it was droplets.. and if he had to wander around with his hands out awaiting for a water splash..
NOPE! HE COULD SEE IT! H2O POURING from the ceiling into the middle of our floor
so he put his hands out to catch it
"kristen..kristen Kristen?... KRiSTeN.. KRISTEN??!"
he hopes that this water that he is catching is not from a broken sewage pipe or something
I however.. apparently passed out completely missing all the excitement (I don't get it! I'm such a light sleeper.. this concerns me that I did not awake)
he gave up on me and hollered up the stairs for our landlady "ANNETTE!! a leak just happened in the middle of our ceiling!"
she comes down the stairs looking very confused
"OH?" she said, and raced back upstairs
TURNS OUT she just over watered a plant... she apologized
"as long as its not a broken pipe or something" says Aryk
"yeah thats what I first thought"
then they started talking about a more serious important topic.. the cats
anyways... thanks for saving the day Aryk.. and making me breakfast
and not being annoyed that I'm not very heroic in the morning..
also.. no pictures sadly.. for I suggested that he stand under the leak with the bucket with a confused face on. But he was off to work and didn't seem to have much interest in playing model.
exciting huh?
Aryk was just about to make some french toast and he heard a sound.. originally he thought it was coming the bathroom.. but realized it was coming from closer than the bathroom.. somewhere like.. THE MIDDLE OF OUR ROOM!!
I asked if it was droplets.. and if he had to wander around with his hands out awaiting for a water splash..
NOPE! HE COULD SEE IT! H2O POURING from the ceiling into the middle of our floor
so he put his hands out to catch it
"kristen..kristen Kristen?... KRiSTeN.. KRISTEN??!"
he hopes that this water that he is catching is not from a broken sewage pipe or something
I however.. apparently passed out completely missing all the excitement (I don't get it! I'm such a light sleeper.. this concerns me that I did not awake)
he gave up on me and hollered up the stairs for our landlady "ANNETTE!! a leak just happened in the middle of our ceiling!"
she comes down the stairs looking very confused
"OH?" she said, and raced back upstairs
TURNS OUT she just over watered a plant... she apologized
"as long as its not a broken pipe or something" says Aryk
"yeah thats what I first thought"
then they started talking about a more serious important topic.. the cats
anyways... thanks for saving the day Aryk.. and making me breakfast
and not being annoyed that I'm not very heroic in the morning..
also.. no pictures sadly.. for I suggested that he stand under the leak with the bucket with a confused face on. But he was off to work and didn't seem to have much interest in playing model.
NOT complaining JUST explaining! :)
you might think that writing in a blog is simple.. you turn on the computer and type.
I came outside.. had to move the table into the sun.. and bring a chair outside, but the chair has to be sitting on the little sidewalk thing because Aryk discovered that when you sit on them they sink into the grass and he doesn't think the landlady would like that..
yes perfect all settled!
BUT NO! the laptop seems to be out of batteries...
BUT WAIT! I'm in like.. THE ONLY SUNNY SPOT IN THE BACKYARD (its because we have this goooooorgeous apple tree but it creates QUITE the shade! the cats like it..) so now I'm in the backyard searching and searching for a spot to plug the computer in!
now into the house to hunt for a extension cord.. searching.. searching..
no luck.. but I did find the laptop cord which seems pretty long... so I'll use that..
now I have to move the table again..
and the chair.. and find a spot that it won't sink into the grass...
now Mr. Chops is having fun being a cat and chasing the computer cord! so cute
so distracted..
do I even WANT to blog anymore?
I had a few things I planned to blog about.. so maybe I'll 'publish' this one and get started on the next.
one of the things I was planning to share was some pictures I took this morning when I should have been drinking my warm tea.. but instead I HAD to take pictures of pretty things in the yard.. even though these pretty things are dying because their time of year is nearing its end..
"wheerrrreee isss myyy baby giiiirrlll" sings my father
little does he know.. I'm wishing him a happy birthday on the computer! SURPRISE!
love you :)
kneeding a cat spoon
INFACT!! my eyes are actually hardly able to stay open AS I WRITE THIS!!
(i didn't.. i wrote that and went back to bed)
what made me so sleepless? why was last night so thrilling?

JUST as I was falling asleep I hear this meowing.. A CAT?!! I'm so excited! for earlier in the tv watching I said to Aryk "WE CAN GET THE CATS TO SLEEP WITH US" and he said "I doubt it.. you can't make a cat sleep with you, it depends on the cat" or something along those lines.. hmm.. maybe I shouldn't be quoting him if thats not EXACTLY how he said it.. I'll ask him when he gets home from work..

I start drifting off...
ooooohhh okay... so the last cat MUST have been Bastette this one climbed up on the bed and you could FEEL every step he made as if it was a mini earthquake, he climbs OVER Aryk and on top of my belly. This cat? yes. also purring loudly. long story short... this 'kneading' that cats do... kept me awake all night for he found my arms or chest.. etc. not to mention this is a FAT HEAVY CAT and today I am thinking that my ribs are bruised due to his choice of resting place.. He also concluded that his favourite spot is on top of my head which yes.. would mean that he was KNEEDING MY FACE!
I'm tired... (Aryk probably is more tired.. for he had to work this morning.. though he says "its okay.. I expected these kinds of things living with you.." WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?) he also says we aren't allowed to have sleepovers with cats anymore.. :(
but the most important thing is...
the photos above are the cats HANGING OUT WITH ME while I blog. ohh the looooove!! :) (yes I know they aren't good photos but thats cause it was webcam shots..)
<- Before Aryk marched his tired self off to work today he tucked me into a small cocoon.. maybe he feared the cats would attack me when he would be not there to save me...
this new friend of mine LAUREN!! (whom I met this past week in Kelowna)
told me exciting news!
so! due to the fact that this blog is international..
I thought sharing it to those who have yet to hear it down the grape vine..
THERE IS A CUTE FOR AIDS!! (well.. kinda)
hoooowahhhhh!! so awesome eh?!!
a article:
and another one!
fingers crossed! hope is in the air! lets save some wonderful people!
told me exciting news!
so! due to the fact that this blog is international..
I thought sharing it to those who have yet to hear it down the grape vine..
THERE IS A CUTE FOR AIDS!! (well.. kinda)
hoooowahhhhh!! so awesome eh?!!
a article:
and another one!
fingers crossed! hope is in the air! lets save some wonderful people!
beers for bears
a hint.. its fuzzy.. and I love her.. and she has a gentle looking face.. and likes to eat grass..
and became a new wonderful friend of mine that made my heart very happy!!
A BEAR! yaaay!
she was on the other side of the fence.. so yes.. it COULD have been a stupid idea to get out of the car. BUT it ended up not being stupid so I am pleased and giddy about the experience.
I... being a nerd.. sat on the grass and chatted kindly to it.. it peacefully hangout RIGHT AT THE FENCE BY ME having a jolly ol' time (yes I know this because I am VERY COOL and have read ALOT of library books about bears! Bear awareness, Bear attacks, bears in zooooos, bear facts... you know.. the usual) so I read her body language and all.. and so it was all good times of loving each others company.
French loud people ran up the hill and shouted back from the hill that the bear was back to the car about who knows what.. the bear wasn't too please and wondered off (as would I being bothered while peacefully enjoying my dinner) even though she came back when they loud folks left.. sadly we had to carry on our drive..
must... save... bears...
new career options RACING IN MY HEAD!!
seriously people.. I'm a animal whisper.. THIS TALENT MUST NOT GO TO WASTE!!
sit like a lady
went shopping..
had to look for a dress cause my brother is getting married.. (along with other weddings this summer)
dresses and looking girly and stuff ISN'T really my thing.. its difficult.. its.. often tight fitted.. your legs should be shaved..
you can't buy anything black or too dark..
you can't buy anything white
you can't get anything not formal enough
you can't get anything TOO formal
you might want something you can wear again
you might not want it to be a showstopper bright colour
you get the idea..
not to mention when I look back at pictures of me attending weddings (especially in my preteen years) I had the WORST time finding dresses and THEN when I thought I liked something.. I look back and realise that really it would have been better for me to wear something simple.. rather than something made for a 90 year old living in a tribe.. (not that there is anything wrong with that for the people who like dressing like that!) (if I find pictures I will be sure to add them to this blog post immediately.
even my graduation dress!! it was a nice light pink, sweet in everyday. BUT STRAPLESS!! and I had never worn anything strapless before.. so through all of grad I was re- pulling up my dress.. which of course stretched it out. so as you can imagine (please don't) but my dress was falling down.. pretty sure I flashed a few people.. and looked rather sloppy.
maybe thats why dress and stress rhyme.. is cause they go hand in hand together..
this is me being distracted trying on dresses by finding a shirt with Robots on them! yay
and texting.. and instagraming.. and photo taking.. and such..
had to look for a dress cause my brother is getting married.. (along with other weddings this summer)
dresses and looking girly and stuff ISN'T really my thing.. its difficult.. its.. often tight fitted.. your legs should be shaved..
you can't buy anything black or too dark..
you can't buy anything white
you can't get anything not formal enough
you can't get anything TOO formal
you might want something you can wear again
you might not want it to be a showstopper bright colour
you get the idea..
even my graduation dress!! it was a nice light pink, sweet in everyday. BUT STRAPLESS!! and I had never worn anything strapless before.. so through all of grad I was re- pulling up my dress.. which of course stretched it out. so as you can imagine (please don't) but my dress was falling down.. pretty sure I flashed a few people.. and looked rather sloppy.
maybe thats why dress and stress rhyme.. is cause they go hand in hand together..
this is me being distracted trying on dresses by finding a shirt with Robots on them! yay
and texting.. and instagraming.. and photo taking.. and such..
popping the pimple making things clear
you might wonder.. "where is it that Kristen sits when she writes about her kinda days..
well people.. right now I am sitting outside! and I webcam pic'ed for you guys as evidence. yep... so when I'm old and have major wrinkles from squinting in the sun.. you can bring me back to this picture and say "this is why" and I'll likely say "Hmmph" and that I "didn't actually expect anyone to do that" and.. "MY BLOG STILL IS ON THE INTERNET?!"
(yes I also know that you can see my sunglasses in the background.. but I can't see the computer with them on! and.. there are random clouds.. )
soooo its not THAT bad.just thought this blog would be me clearing things up?I DID NOT STAB THAT HORNET WITH THE FORK!! I see that the pictures of me pretending to eat it make it look like I stabbed it. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! he was clinging to the side of the fork! it wouldn't be either brave or buddhist of me to have stabbed it! gosh!!
second of all.. I AM 'laugh out loud' funny!
"I laughed at your hornet blog post...I liked the parts about the dogs coming in" said my lovely Margot on my Facebook Status 2 hours ago
" i was reading today and really enjoyed the story about the hornet :)"says lovely Alysha (WHO JUST GRADUATED!! congrats!!) 12 hours ago.
SO!! I guess I'll keep blogging since I bring SOME PEOPLE joy with my stories and photos!one day.. one day I will make you laugh Dad... some day..actually wait no! you laughed at my blog about YOU not being laugh out loud funny! WIN!now I can rest again.if you would like to have
me clear up anything else.. let me know and maybe you'll get a celebrity cameo!
it is now going to rain. BAAAH AND I JUST PUT ON SUNSCREEN! into the cold basement I go..
<-- photographic evidence of me now
KrisNut and the Hornet
today.. I was doing dishes (yes.. like every day)
so the sink is full of water.. I'm lifting things.. scrubbing away
a hornet trying to save itself from drowning!
now I know most people (okay.. I think everyone I know..) would turn on the tap and watch that thing flush down the drain. likely with a evil laugh and empowerment!
I however..
hoped that this little guy could make it through the struggle!
but what do I do? hornets bite! and they are known to attack when frightened!
I personally would think a near drowning experience would defiantly be frightening! and bite something near you worthy if I was a near drowned hornet!
but I.. however.. have not been a hornet before.. at least I don't seem to recall any weird memories that would have me to believe that I have been a hornet at some point in my past life.. nor would I really be flattered to find out that I had been one..
I do have a brain.. but I also have kindness and compassion.. and I think living things.. are.. living things.. and I have a fortunate/unfortunate gift of putting myself in other peoples shoes.. and that includes animals! (and apparently insects)
so I took the hornets picture as it sat in the sink (duh) (all moments are photographing moments)
and then calmly and peacefully grabbed the dirty fork in the sink which the little fella was near.. and scooped him up! hooray! no sudden movements of the bitter!
I'm on a roll!
so of course.. all moments are photography moments.. so I took a few photos walked to the door
and.. dropped him on the ground..
the white dog (Blanca) was overly thrilled thinking I had dropped food on the ground so she came over and gave him a sniff "BLANCA NOOOOOO!!" I say for a few reasons.. 1. I don't want her to get bitten 2. I was trying to save him! 3. I didn't want her to get freaked out if she had gotten bitten etc etc..
but she carried on sniffing the floor attempting to find the 'mystery dropped food' cheese maybe?
then the giant monster dog charges in! all "excuse me, let me in, coming through! what you got there?" the white dog says "GRRR" and backs up. SHE wants what the mystery food I didn't actually drop and SHE wasn't going to let him get it (if I was a dog and looking for mystery dropped food I'd probably have the same reaction) "BLANCA NOOOO!!" says I again her foot ALMOST stepped on my hospital patient! I try to scurry in with my fork, it worked! the hornet is scooped up and almost at freedom ONCE AGAIN!
shut the backdoor behind me (so the dogs would not follow and jump at what comes off this fork at any given time) drop the hornet again "Nooooooooo" geez that Hornet is probably in more pain now then he was before and wishes that I had just left him alone! all mr. independent and all (I don't know.. are they? I know bees aren't."
BUT I pick him up AGAIN and make it to the grass, he gives his wings a shimmy and a shake
and I make it without a injury! and he made it without dying!! its like he knew I was 'helping him' (its written with abbreviations cause I dropped him so often you might not call it 'helping')
so the sink is full of water.. I'm lifting things.. scrubbing away
a hornet trying to save itself from drowning!
now I know most people (okay.. I think everyone I know..) would turn on the tap and watch that thing flush down the drain. likely with a evil laugh and empowerment!
I however..
hoped that this little guy could make it through the struggle!
but what do I do? hornets bite! and they are known to attack when frightened!
I personally would think a near drowning experience would defiantly be frightening! and bite something near you worthy if I was a near drowned hornet!
but I.. however.. have not been a hornet before.. at least I don't seem to recall any weird memories that would have me to believe that I have been a hornet at some point in my past life.. nor would I really be flattered to find out that I had been one..
so I took the hornets picture as it sat in the sink (duh) (all moments are photographing moments)
and then calmly and peacefully grabbed the dirty fork in the sink which the little fella was near.. and scooped him up! hooray! no sudden movements of the bitter!
I'm on a roll!
so of course.. all moments are photography moments.. so I took a few photos walked to the door
and.. dropped him on the ground..
the white dog (Blanca) was overly thrilled thinking I had dropped food on the ground so she came over and gave him a sniff "BLANCA NOOOOOO!!" I say for a few reasons.. 1. I don't want her to get bitten 2. I was trying to save him! 3. I didn't want her to get freaked out if she had gotten bitten etc etc..
but she carried on sniffing the floor attempting to find the 'mystery dropped food' cheese maybe?
then the giant monster dog charges in! all "excuse me, let me in, coming through! what you got there?" the white dog says "GRRR" and backs up. SHE wants what the mystery food I didn't actually drop and SHE wasn't going to let him get it (if I was a dog and looking for mystery dropped food I'd probably have the same reaction) "BLANCA NOOOO!!" says I again her foot ALMOST stepped on my hospital patient! I try to scurry in with my fork, it worked! the hornet is scooped up and almost at freedom ONCE AGAIN!
shut the backdoor behind me (so the dogs would not follow and jump at what comes off this fork at any given time) drop the hornet again "Nooooooooo" geez that Hornet is probably in more pain now then he was before and wishes that I had just left him alone! all mr. independent and all (I don't know.. are they? I know bees aren't."
BUT I pick him up AGAIN and make it to the grass, he gives his wings a shimmy and a shake
and I make it without a injury! and he made it without dying!! its like he knew I was 'helping him' (its written with abbreviations cause I dropped him so often you might not call it 'helping')
a Buddhist type action! :)
a hill shaped like a nose
sometimes I take a picture and I'm like .. maybe I'll use that picture as a blog post! lazy? maybe.. but I get good feedback on my photos.. sooo.. HA! maybe you are lazy for not taking pictures at all seconds of the day like I.. so HA to you!
(a HA with love of course! no hate here! laze all you want to!)
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