INFACT!! my eyes are actually hardly able to stay open AS I WRITE THIS!!
(i didn't.. i wrote that and went back to bed)
what made me so sleepless? why was last night so thrilling?

JUST as I was falling asleep I hear this meowing.. A CAT?!! I'm so excited! for earlier in the tv watching I said to Aryk "WE CAN GET THE CATS TO SLEEP WITH US" and he said "I doubt it.. you can't make a cat sleep with you, it depends on the cat" or something along those lines.. hmm.. maybe I shouldn't be quoting him if thats not EXACTLY how he said it.. I'll ask him when he gets home from work..

I start drifting off...
ooooohhh okay... so the last cat MUST have been Bastette this one climbed up on the bed and you could FEEL every step he made as if it was a mini earthquake, he climbs OVER Aryk and on top of my belly. This cat? yes. also purring loudly. long story short... this 'kneading' that cats do... kept me awake all night for he found my arms or chest.. etc. not to mention this is a FAT HEAVY CAT and today I am thinking that my ribs are bruised due to his choice of resting place.. He also concluded that his favourite spot is on top of my head which yes.. would mean that he was KNEEDING MY FACE!
I'm tired... (Aryk probably is more tired.. for he had to work this morning.. though he says "its okay.. I expected these kinds of things living with you.." WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?) he also says we aren't allowed to have sleepovers with cats anymore.. :(
but the most important thing is...
the photos above are the cats HANGING OUT WITH ME while I blog. ohh the looooove!! :) (yes I know they aren't good photos but thats cause it was webcam shots..)
<- Before Aryk marched his tired self off to work today he tucked me into a small cocoon.. maybe he feared the cats would attack me when he would be not there to save me...