a hint.. its fuzzy.. and I love her.. and she has a gentle looking face.. and likes to eat grass..
and became a new wonderful friend of mine that made my heart very happy!!
A BEAR! yaaay!
she was on the other side of the fence.. so yes.. it COULD have been a stupid idea to get out of the car. BUT it ended up not being stupid so I am pleased and giddy about the experience.
I... being a nerd.. sat on the grass and chatted kindly to it.. it peacefully hangout RIGHT AT THE FENCE BY ME having a jolly ol' time (yes I know this because I am VERY COOL and have read ALOT of library books about bears! Bear awareness, Bear attacks, bears in zooooos, bear facts... you know.. the usual) so I read her body language and all.. and so it was all good times of loving each others company.
French loud people ran up the hill and shouted back from the hill that the bear was back to the car about who knows what.. the bear wasn't too please and wondered off (as would I being bothered while peacefully enjoying my dinner) even though she came back when they loud folks left.. sadly we had to carry on our drive..
must... save... bears...
new career options RACING IN MY HEAD!!
seriously people.. I'm a animal whisper.. THIS TALENT MUST NOT GO TO WASTE!!