Memory Lane of Blogs


Happy Daughters day

Dad sent me a really lovely email on fathers day thanking me for the thing I did for fathers day. I was GOING to copy paste the email so you all could be in awe for what a amazing father I have.. but after some thought I decided that dad intended for it to be private and personal. 
something I CAN share though is it ended signed off as "one lucky dad" and really.. he's a lucky dad because I am a very lucky daughter, and I don't think i'd be so full of love if I didn't have such a wonderful friendship with him. Its a circle right? never ending support, laughter, stories, etc and because of this we have the best friendship I could ever ask for.

really it does feel like its a 'daughters' day to me.. I'm so lucky to have my dad AS my dad! especially when you hear how important it is for daughters to have good fathers in their lives! it makes a big difference on your future and how you view guys should be! i'm fortunate and grateful I am every day! 
a day to celebrate. cheers