so the sink is full of water.. I'm lifting things.. scrubbing away
a hornet trying to save itself from drowning!
now I know most people (okay.. I think everyone I know..) would turn on the tap and watch that thing flush down the drain. likely with a evil laugh and empowerment!
I however..
hoped that this little guy could make it through the struggle!
but what do I do? hornets bite! and they are known to attack when frightened!
I personally would think a near drowning experience would defiantly be frightening! and bite something near you worthy if I was a near drowned hornet!
but I.. however.. have not been a hornet before.. at least I don't seem to recall any weird memories that would have me to believe that I have been a hornet at some point in my past life.. nor would I really be flattered to find out that I had been one..
so I took the hornets picture as it sat in the sink (duh) (all moments are photographing moments)
and then calmly and peacefully grabbed the dirty fork in the sink which the little fella was near.. and scooped him up! hooray! no sudden movements of the bitter!
I'm on a roll!
so of course.. all moments are photography moments.. so I took a few photos walked to the door
and.. dropped him on the ground..
the white dog (Blanca) was overly thrilled thinking I had dropped food on the ground so she came over and gave him a sniff "BLANCA NOOOOOO!!" I say for a few reasons.. 1. I don't want her to get bitten 2. I was trying to save him! 3. I didn't want her to get freaked out if she had gotten bitten etc etc..
but she carried on sniffing the floor attempting to find the 'mystery dropped food' cheese maybe?
then the giant monster dog charges in! all "excuse me, let me in, coming through! what you got there?" the white dog says "GRRR" and backs up. SHE wants what the mystery food I didn't actually drop and SHE wasn't going to let him get it (if I was a dog and looking for mystery dropped food I'd probably have the same reaction) "BLANCA NOOOO!!" says I again her foot ALMOST stepped on my hospital patient! I try to scurry in with my fork, it worked! the hornet is scooped up and almost at freedom ONCE AGAIN!
shut the backdoor behind me (so the dogs would not follow and jump at what comes off this fork at any given time) drop the hornet again "Nooooooooo" geez that Hornet is probably in more pain now then he was before and wishes that I had just left him alone! all mr. independent and all (I don't know.. are they? I know bees aren't."
BUT I pick him up AGAIN and make it to the grass, he gives his wings a shimmy and a shake
and I make it without a injury! and he made it without dying!! its like he knew I was 'helping him' (its written with abbreviations cause I dropped him so often you might not call it 'helping')
a Buddhist type action! :)