Memory Lane of Blogs


first blood donation

I woke up thrilled this morning. Why? for today I give blood!! first time ever! and ABOUT TIME! I mean common people.. IT SAVES LIVES! liking needles or not.. lets help each other out!! I jump on the internet and start doing research to make sure I have the best preparation ever for this blood exam.
I get out fruit juice, decaffeinated tea (caffeine dehydrates you) strawberries, yogurt, mini wheats, banana... I AM READY FOR THIS!! 
Aryk is also prepared.. he wants to leave early. WE ARE READY FOR THIS!!!
I do a quick check on the confrontation email..
WHAT?!! 08?!!
why the heck would they send a confrontation email on the DAY OF?!!
i show Aryk, he informs me 08 is the month.. and really our blood giving is on Saturday.

A Kristen Kinda Morning?
"poor Aryk" says all the blog readers "poor Aryk..."