crashing into tree branches
having all the paddles break..
it was fun!!
At one point Tyler crashed into the side stuck in tree branches.. then no matter how hard Aryk and I tried to paddle out of our way.. we ended up crashing into Tyler and creating more of a 'stuckness'. Aryk grabbed the branches and started pulling us out (muscle man) FREEDOM!! now.. OFF WE GO!! to more rafting!!
APPARENTLY just before our stuckness.. Sean and Cole (of whom which were strangely for the first time ever ahead of everyone else) POPPED THEIR RAFT ON THE SAME BRANCHES!! they are standing on the land to the side hollering at us to join them (huff, again?!) Aryk jumped out of the speeding rapids to go help Tyler.. I'm still in the raft and Sean is pulling me to shore but POPPED open the air thingy and this raft I am sitting in the back of.. is deflating.. eventually I'm yanked out of the raft only to see that Tyler was in need of more help.. Tyler was holding Aryk's arm.. Cole was holding Aryk's arm.. Sean is now holding Cole's arm.. THE RAPIDS ALMOST TOOK THEM ALL! but after some heave hoe team work.. Tyler was rescued too shore
we look down the river.. to see.. if this HAD NOT happened to Sean and Cole's raft.. we would have ran into trees of which that had fallen down and had created whirlpool suction pockets (Aryk's incredible description.. geez.. why doesn't HE have a blog??!)
So decision was made that we had to cross the river so we could a move around the fallen down trees and continue on our rafting journey. minus a raft
Cole jumps in the water. in the most rapid spot.
of which of course.. the water takes Cole for a ride
next thing we know.. The raft Cole was on.. was caught in the trees
he was stuck under the raft, water still pushing him around, I'm sure the time under that thing was taking forever
but through my eyes it all happened in such a quick flash and in seconds i saw Cole's head pop up as he climbs over the log to wave that he is okay
at some point during this.. Aryk had raced across the river to help save Cole
Cole jumps in the water. in the most rapid spot.
of which of course.. the water takes Cole for a ride
next thing we know.. The raft Cole was on.. was caught in the trees
he was stuck under the raft, water still pushing him around, I'm sure the time under that thing was taking forever
but through my eyes it all happened in such a quick flash and in seconds i saw Cole's head pop up as he climbs over the log to wave that he is okay
at some point during this.. Aryk had raced across the river to help save Cole
the rest of us.. had to cross the river
Sean suggests we hook arms
i agree
MAN this water is fast..
so fast..
that when I move my legs the water swoops up my feet, I cling to Sean's arm for dear life..
no such luck
I'm swooped up! I'm dragging my feet on the ground TRYING to get a grip! no luck. I'm going so fast I try grabbing for whatever I could but no matter what the strength of the water was too much!
I decide the only thing that can give me hope is if I swim.. for I'm a strong swimmer. WHY AM I NOT MOVING! this is hopeless.. and I'm terrified and trying with all my might. Strangely enough.. I'm laughing incredibly hard.. I wanted everyone to know I'd be okay... but I'm starting to doubt it..
next thing I know Aryk's right there reaching out his hand..
and somehow.. I am saved
shaking.. laughing.. terrified
the more I think of it the more I realize how much I do NOT want to go back into that water! I have no chance with a fight against it.
we would seize the day, the gorgeous weather.. this wilderness.. and hangout in this spot :)
we gather wood for a fire
Tyler and I gather rocks for the fire pit...
the other boys are off .. trying to catch fish.. Tyler makes a super cool spear ready to go attack the fish
then it turned into puddle sitting
which then turned into boys attacking the deflated raft.. to then throwing rocks at the raft.. to then throwing rocks at Sean, to then throwing rocks at Cole..
Sean dropping me in a shallow end of rocks
to running off to drown the raft
throwing big giant rocks at it
ohhh.. to be a boy...
in their mid twenties..
i'm incredibly jealous.. and incredibly in love with the guys being themselves! such cuteness I get to witness! whoops I mean.. Manly times
eventually I had to face my fears.. we NEEDED to cross that water again. Aryk... my kind caring boyfriend.. somehow helped me across the water
I'd describe it.. but to be honest I was so scared I don't have a clue how I got there..
wearing bathing suits.. scratches by anything that can give you scratches! mosquitos getting thrilled about some easy to get human blood
and yes.. I did get moody at one point when i fell into a bush of thorns..
But we did it!!
we made it out alive!
only to find out.. we barely even rafted just outside this neighbourhood we parked in!!
What a day..
photos taken by Tyler H
on his iPhone which amazingly survived the day!