one of the reasons why I love our landlady..
is because of her beautiful garden!
from a glance it doesn't look that impressive.. almost jungle like.. but with a mowed lawn most of the time. (thats because she has a very on the go life and is never around)
but I swear every day I look at the gardens I see new flowers and can't find the old!
it amazes me how all these flowers all make their appearances at different times through the summer.. its incredibly enjoyable!
so.. that being said..
I marched around the yard just now and snapped some photos on my phone... I would think most people like looking at flowers.. and if you don't.. well then..
scroll down
(just lying please don't stop.)
OH! and due to little bumbles appearing while I was taking flower pictures.. I dedicate this blog to all the bees and their hard work. Thanks bees! keep it up!