Memory Lane of Blogs


I seriously keep having eventful things for me to blog about.
but SERIOUSLY every time I sit down to write this cute little kitten King Arthur crawls onto the computer.. turns on the music cranks it up loud and then presses buttons and I don't know enough about computers to know what buttons to press to turn it back to normal..

also! my photo album on my phone is full.. so its going to be picture overload for a bit while I try to clear about my album.. (SO DIFFICULT!! I clear it yes.. but then there are so many things to take photos of I just end up back from the beginning!)
be zen people.. I'll be back to telling entertaining stories in no time.

like how I had a dream about Justin Bieber and I having best friendship for 2 nights in a row now.
how we got new fishies..
how a bunch of fishies died
how we ended up getting a kitten..

I asked Aryk he says "I don't know Kristeeeeennnnnnnnnn"
but now he is giving me examples but I decided I am sleepy and would rather not blog right now anyways.. yawn.