It was aryks great grandma's birthday a few weekends ago. So we all piled in the suvs braved the cold and trailed out to Brooks to spend the weekend in celebration. I'm honored that I got to be apart of the family get together. And man there was a lot of family! So much family that neither aryk or his sister really knew who most people there was!
Some things I really enjoyed were:
-hearing that the very community center we were celebrating at was where Aryks Nana went to school. This community hall was over a hundred years old and has been very well taken care of!
-The tables set up around the room all had a picture on the table of great grandma Jenny when she was a young adult. I love that kind of stuff!! I also felt my heart get super happy seeing everyone go around looking at the pictures and sharing stories about who was in the photos and what was going on. Though as I'm sure you would have guessed.. the best was seeing the bliss and excitement on grandma Jenny's face looking at the pictures.
-There was also a chair in the corner which they had grandma Jenny sit In During the family photos (I was on some of these family photos.. Which is a tad awkward.. What if aryk and I break up??! Aryks sister says then she will just tell people I'm the long lost cousin) now no one told the story of this chair she was sitting on.. But it was old and worn down.. And I could tell there was significance and a story to it.
-We got to watch a slide show that brought up many memories to everyone. Lots of laughs and story sharing. Was very special. I greatly enjoyed seeing all the vintage antique things.. As well as the fact I love pretty much every photo from that time era (minus the one where Nanas brother was shooting a bird and the camera caught the bird in the air while falling to its death)
And to even more excitement!! Watching videos!! Including Nana and Tatas wedding. Aryks mom and aunts growing up. Parades and cats playing. Boy I'm so fortunate so have gotten to see these!!
After it was all done we all braved the cold again and went out to the farm which is also a hundred years or so which grandma Jenny still lives in. Annnd we got to play with little kittens.
At night the rest of the family all went and stayed at a hotel. But aryk and I got to stay at a little duplex with nana and Tata in town. It's grandma Jenny's as well, but she never stays there. It's super cute and total granny style! Floral everything! I wanted to go around and take photos to show you my bloggers all this floral and how truly amazing it was.. But I didn't have time. So hopefully another time.
I also fell in love with the antiques in the duplex.. Including the old in perfect condition beautiful suitcase.
Oh! And of course a major highlight was the drive home with aryks aunts where we got to listen to a cd of farting noises :)
(please excuse the fact that all the pictures are different sizes.. roar.. this blog website won't let me do otherwise. sorry)
(also interesting... I wrote this whole blog on my phone! yikes..)