and this guy? my friend Tyler?
well.. I've been in awe of him for years
and because of this... I think you should be too!
he not only has skill
but a kind heart
and passion mania
for what he does
the other day i was clicking around on instagram looking at things tagged under 'Calgary'
and BAM! there was Tyler's art. getting praised by a passerby stranger.
k so on this first link I give you an amazing video of him, IN ACTION! WHooooooaAAaaaHhhhhh!!
and THIS is his website.
AMAZING! the birds and nature stuff is my favourite (obviously)
Ohhhh and now the boat
ooooohh okay I pretty much have a reason for loving all of it
I'm a proud friend. a proud proud friend.
a anxious friend... who wants Tyler art in my house
... impatience..... for yearrsssssss