Memory Lane of Blogs


you'll have to speak up.. I can't hear you

I had a very grandma type day (no.. I'm not being a ageist! I'm being futuristic on what I will be like as a  grandma which I think will very much so hit the stereotypes of.. grandmas... yes! the kind that makes ridiculous comments that is non filtered because NO ONE will tell me to mind my manners or whatever, I will also be the kind of grandma that bakes cookies and delightful things all the time, sitting in a rocking chair judging people as they walk by - especially on activities and looks of the youth. YES I WILL BE ALL THESE THINGS! I CAN'T WAIT)


  • ate oatmeal with raisins
  • I drank tea and knit...
  • drank tea and listened to a show on parenting advice in the background
  • I also made stew with leftovers of vegetables in our fridge and lentils (dry lentils only have shelf life of 1 year fyi. but exciting because it is high in iron and protein)
  • cuddled with the cats
  • baked bread
  • swept..
  • do dishes by hand..
  • did laundry
  • and played solitaire..

mostly I did things avoiding the cold because I am fragile and don't want to get sick.. cause every autumn I seem to get the flu.

(okay I'm lying about the solitaire but I plan on REALLY living it up this evening and try to convince Aryk to do a game of DOUBLE solitaire with me!) (that is if we aren't too exhausted from our tour of the Mormon temple)
(okay I'm back from the mormon temple now.. and we are watching the presidential debate instead, and yes.. I'm still knitting)

its 8:30.. good grief! no wonder I'm so tired!