Memory Lane of Blogs


fur hats

soooo.... I bought this yarn

and last night I had a dream about it! so I shall tell you.. and you can decide what this dream of mine means!

I dreamt that I was looking at the label of which the yarn comes wrapped in. The label was bizarre and it was informing me how the yarn wasn't made out of lambs wool.. and it wasn't made out of cat fur, or dog fur, or cow hair... etc. I mean it was a LONG list
it was kinda like the eco-friendly labels that tell you all the bad stuff that ISN'T in your natural food but IN the normal grocery store list.
but at the very end it informed me how the yarn was made out of...

first of all : ew
and also.. WHAT?!!
I was upset in my dream (as I would be in real life) for I like moose... and I knew (somehow) that when they make moose hair yarn they HUNT DOWN the moose. I couldn't BELIEVE that I bought yarn in support of moose killings! 
and now I was in a situation.. do I use this yarn? for I already did the awful thing in purchasing it?
or do I throw it out? even though the moose got sacrificed for it?
could this dream be because I am a vegetarian that has kind of started to slowly fall off to the band wagon and eat bacon once in a while?
could it be a sign that whatever it is that I choose to knit it will not work out and it will be a WASTE OF YARN??
or... is it my subconscious telling me I need to save moose?