I am currently sitting here with the inside of banana peel covered all over my face.
I've decided that until the landlady attacks the compost bin.. I will not BE attacked by the compost bin.
aka.. when you open it.. there is THOUSANDS of bugs that shoot out at you now. I was fine (well not really, when there was a few hundred dancing about. But the last time I opened that thing I was itchy for hours after thinking I was covered in bugs.
SO! that saddens me.. SO! I'm finding uses for things that I would usually compost so that I don't feel bad about throwing it out (okay I still feel bad.. but not AS bad because I'm being resourceful)
so far?
orange peel candy - its good.. but not incredible. I also made orange syrup (yet to try it out though)
lemon zest from lemons.. cause most recipes as for lemon zest. I also use leftover lemon to clean our sinks (works amazingly) annnnd the left left left over lemon I put in water which I then put in the microwave (it cleans your microwave easier and clears it from any smells)
okay okay zest from oranges and grapefruits too! (I just found out you can SAVE ZEST! by putting it in the freezer! oh man..)
coffee grounds in my hair - because it brings out the natural highlights on brunettes
tea bags - SOOOO MANY USES! but i haven't done them yet.. I was saving them for too long and they as well started getting a collection of bugs swarming around - I might use it for a relaxing foot bath. or to naturally dye my hair. use it as a conditioner (it makes it shine and easier to manage)..
uhmm.. okay maybe I haven't done THAT much.
I would like to point out in this photo above that my hair is looking NORMAL! thats right! 3 weeks now or so of homemade shampoo! doubt i'll go back to shampoo. and I know it looks odd.. its bedhead okay?