Memory Lane of Blogs


late night tragedy

last night..

Aryk used my toothbrush.

ughh I have anxiety just with the reoccurring memory of last night!

WHAT would have been a better of the three options?

1. don't brush my teeth and risk getting cavities.. OR WORSE
2. use my own toothbrush.. that is now wet.. and freshly used by a boy..

lets think about this..
he was SCRUBBING the SCUM that has been BUILT UP on his teeth all day!! and now all the stuff he scrubbed.. is NOW ON MY TOOTHBRUSH!! 
freshly.. sitting there.. 

3. use Aryk's toothbrush.. that hasn't been used since the night prior.

drat! i just thought of a 4th option that I didn't even think of last night that defiantly was the best option of all!
4. go find a stick and scrape my teeth like a caveman..

after a lot of self 'you can do it!' motivation..

I used Aryk's toothbrush.. :(

and cursed myself for not listening to my conscience at the grocery store the day earlier to pick up new toothbrushes... its like my subconsciousness was trying to tell me this was going to happen..

So to make us all realise how gross this really is.. (for those who think its normal if you smooth that person to share EVERYTHING.. you are WRONG) (and for those who realise that it is WRONG but don't know the reasonings behind it besides 'its gross')

I did as much google research as my germaphobia mind could take... 
and copy pasted some facts for you!

  • And a toothbrush, with it's moist, bacteria-friendly environment and plenty of microbe-ready hiding spots in between its bristles, might be the home of a bacterium's dreams.

  • "Your toothbrush has every advantage for SUPER FAST bacterial growth.Within a month a toothbrush will have a million or more colonising bacteria. The bacteria grows super fast because it is stored in the bathroom which is a warm humid environment; the bathroom has three constant sources of germs...the toilet (mist floats), sink, and your mouth bacteria. All these bacteria feed on your mouth tissues stored in the bristles.You might mistakenly, hope that when you rinse your toothbrush that you “clean” the bacteria off, unfortunately, the bacteria latch on and find shelter in the tiny holes of the porous toothbrush bristles. When you rinse your toothbrush twice a day you provide more moisture for them to keep growing.""But, from a health standpoint, it makes sense not to share toothbrushes, just as it makes sense not to share other personal items like towels, which can be a vector for skin infections, even bacteria that causes acne. Sure, you love your man, and we're not talking about cooties here, but when you're sharing a toothbrush, you're upping your chance of also sharing bacteria and illnesses. No thank you!"

... oh crap! I just realised after reading all of this gross information that I had not gone out yet to replace my toothbrush!! nooooooooooo!!!

what do I do NOW?!!
(other than vomit.. cause if I vomit that would be even worse for my teeth... and I also wouldn't be able to brush after..)