I don't have much thrill about coming home.. for the house will be empty. I won't see Aryk.. Aryk will be at work till midnight or so...
I'm SUPER tired.. but I'm trying to motivate myself to possibly go grocery shopping.. or maybe continue to organize 'the dungeon' so when Aryk officially is back to school.. everything will be zen and starting out perfectly.
I walk in..
look at the kitchen table.
hmmph. no note. how lonely!
then I see a giant box on the couch.
I figure Aryk bought something for 'the dungeon' or got more school supplies.
oh.. its three boxes? and it says "which one is yours?"
huh? do I have a box full of stuff from when we moved in? whoops..
I open one shoe box
ohhh shoes!!
it says "nope" on a little sticky note.
I open the next box
the next one?
"nuh uh"
MY BOYFRIEND BOUGHT ME SUPER CUTE SOREL BOOTS THAT ARE VERY ME! (which is strange.. because I have very particular taste that even I haven't figured out)
I'm pumped! and yet sad... for Aryk is not here for me to
squeeze hug my excitements onto him!
seriously people.. how is this guy not a keeper?
what to do with this glee?!
... grunt.. guess I'd feel bad now if I don't go grocery shopping..