Memory Lane of Blogs


a series- number one

I am now going to start a series for my blog..
its called...
'The things I do when no one is home'

so here is my first one I am sharing.
a thing I do when no one is home?

I climb trees! preferably apple trees.. for I think they created better pictures of the apples IN the apple tree rather then taking the photos underneath looking up. 
Aryk came home sooner than I had predicted...

 "Kristen? hello? where are you?" 
"I'm up here!!!!"

hmm.. a interesting person I am to live with indeed... 

hence why.. its called... 
things i do when NO ONE is home.. because.. I am purposely doing it by myself.
secretly.. and nerderly..

for kristen kinda days are already thrilling enough as it is.. without the excitement I actually purposely do

but I guess it won't be so secret due to this new blog series..