She is very small... currently shy.. observant..there isn't much I can say about her yet.. for I haven't had the chance to get to know her very well (two days)Who? what? where? when? why? how? you ask
who:Pale Gail
what: Betta fish
where: in the kitchen on the table
why: because my brother got married and she was part of the centre pieces and and and and you were allowed to bring them home! "why?" because they said you could. "why?" well.. because I wanted one.. "why?" because I've been wanting a pet for the basement because I miss my puppies.. "why?" because I love them and they make really good company. "why?" BECAUSE I SAID SO THATS WHY!!
how: HOW I got her? well.. I realized all the cousin's little kids were running around with excitement picking out the fish they wanted.. I was jealous.. and selfish.. and because of these things I was also worried.. so I scouted the tables... blue.. red... red... red.. blue.. blue.. darker blue..
I mean.. they are good looking and all.. because all things are beautiful and good looking...
but I had one of these Betta fish in junior high/highschool (a present.. from a boy.. nbd) and he was blue... and I loved Mr. O and he will always have a special place in my heart! so I just couldn't get a blue one!!
a normal colourful fish |
I respond:
and probably responded with a response how I felt sorry for her because everyone else would want a lovely and colourful one.
then cousin Nicole? or so I think it was Nicole.. came over and started talking about how she had a actual GOOD LOOKING fish at her table.. and disappeared off to go and get it.
"look at is beautiful tail... look at its beautiful colours..."
my heart was set and confirmed with Gail.
I placed her off in a little corner hiding away and would go visit her now and then in between dancing up storms.
HOW did I bring her back to the hotel?
I of course told them how I was concerned about it being animal cruelty bringing a fish from Lethbridge to Calgary (2 and a bit hour drive) in a plastic bag.. or Styrofoam cup... SO they agreed and decided that it was FINE for me to bring the thing home that the fish is in.. sooo wooohooo!!
HOW did I bring her back to Calgary? I put the little aquarium jar thing in a empty shoe box.. and stuffed it with clothing around the edges.. and then held onto the box with my feet on the way home. she survived. I am happy.
Gail on her Hammock! |
She also is no longer pale.. she's gorgeous full of so many colours
her true personality and colours are coming out!
she's so sweet.
she's so pretty :) |
AND MORE EXCITEMENT HAPPENED TODAY!!I'll prob be to excited to withhold the blog about THAT for very long!!