Memory Lane of Blogs


Feeding frog Fredrick frenzy

if you look close at the bottom the little guy is
hiding just beside the yellow leaves
I think poor sweet Gail is suffering from having been Aryk and I's only child to then there being a cute and very adorable second child..
now when you go over towards the fish tank..
she swims almost shark like back and fourth along the top
and poor Fredrick hides for his life either behind the leaf or inside his little tree hut.
for Fred is usually a very active frog always swimming and dancing up a storm.. its unlike him to hide away like this!

Gail's also getting a little bit of a belly.. overeating. 
Due to lots of staring in the tank waiting for a good "Feed the frog"
opportunity.. I came to realize that Fred has long toe nails!
did you know that frogs have toe nails? and why do they have them?
Blood worms. A healthy frog diet.

according to the internet.. Fredrick should NOT have toe nails! for he is a water frog.. which obviously explains the webs.. but it seems only frogs that climb trees have nails.. obviously for climbing.. it all makes sense.. minus the fact that Fred has both webs AND nails! confusion