Memory Lane of Blogs



if you can't tell.. the title says... mom+mexico+mom all mixed together. you know... kind like those celebrity couples.. but my mother in this case... was IN Mexico. but now she is OUT Mexico and back home so... she's outside.. Mexico...
Mom-> mexico <- Mom    
Most people bring people back a little doodaddingaling when the come back from vacation.. you know a bobble head.. a pen.. a.. STI..
But what excites me and gives my heart 'present happiness bliss' isn't really THE GIFT but its THE THOUGHT not just "oh humm a gift for the daughter" BUT the fact that it is a BIG BOWL and my mother hauled it home from Mexico (when I say IT I should say THEM because not only was she generous to ME! but she got my brother and his lady one too!) WOW! not just something to cram into the suitcase.. its amazing where you can squeeze tshirts into places when you really want them to.. BUT THIS IS INESCAPABLE!
I can picture her sitting there with it on her lap :) actually.. without even asking her I KNOW thats what she did. for thats the kind of mama she is!
yes I do realise that this photo would be better if the shadow wasn't inside the bowl.
Yes, I realise this photo would be better without the shadow in the bowl.
No, the frozen fruit sadly did not come with the bowl.. but that travelling out of the country with fruit would be illegal.