The Wanted vs One Direction
In one corner we have One Direction with Louis Tomlinson!!! a little bit younger than me.. but I'm sure the fame will mature him a bit.. besides.. Selena Gomez is with Beiber and they have about the same age difference as Lu and I! (and he is legal fyi) he's handsome.. wears suspenders which have been a favourite style of mine since elementary school

And THEN there is The Wanted.. and due to my research.. apparently he is also younger than me (Nooooooooooooooo!! uggh.. its no fun getting old :( I remember back when the Backstreet Boys seemed ancient..) Jay McGuiness. He likes Pizza which is a bonus. But I think he looks a bit like Terry Fox, which is super duper rad in my books! He has a look to him which looks like he came out of a photo album from years ago back when cameras took pictures with more character.. I'd say.. 19.. 19... 1970's? yes hmm I like it. SOMEONE GET THIS BOY A TRUCKER HAT!
they both win! they are funny, and I can bop myself along to new boy bands like the good ol' days, and giggle at their dance moves, and outfit choices. so Technically I win as well.. I win in happiness and ability to relate in crush land with 9 year old girls haha.
both of them are in love with chimpanzee's as well.. just fyi